Page 60 of Uncovered By the Alien Commander
She’s like me, using the shadows to hide, but not for evasion, but for attack.
“Oh, it’s just you,” Hyanxa sneers, as she stands, relaxing, yet she keeps her weapon trained on me. “What in the void are you doing here, traitorous little bitch?” She spits from her muzzled face.
Hyanxa stands almost naked in just her black undergarments, revealing her petite brown furry breasts, yet she remains in complete control. My pulse races through my veins like hyperspeed, but I refuse to let them scare me. Not this time. With slow movements, I holster my knife and straighten, not wishing to provoke violence.
“Mod told me you wanted to see me?” I ask, struggling to keep the worry from my voice as I glance back to the Captain.
Kaanus hobbles off his bed, his spikey scaled face twisted in agony as he clutches his wounded leg. Both sides of which are bandaged, meaning the Jungarian’s strange weapon had penetrated his leg straight through. He is also only wearing his underwear, yet his body, which once appeared broad and strong, pales compared to Xandor with his towering physique and unbelievable muscular frame.
Where are you, Xandor?
“Voiding thing,” Kaanus complains bitterly, as he clutches for a half-empty bottle, taking a quick swig before he pours the rest on his wounded leg. “Son of a bitch! Void that Chorick,” he grimaces, almost snarling at the pain.
“Lover, you risk removing Mod’s healing salve when you—” Hyanxa tuts, her voice loaded with earnest sincerity.
“Void that!” Kaanus interrupts with a dismissive hand. “I’m the Captain of this ship, and my word is what matters!” His milk-white eyes maybe gaze in my direction as he shifts his head. “Seems some people need a reminder of that fact,” he slurs slowly, prompting an ominous dread to flutter along my spine.
He knows I ran away. I must get ahead of his accusations.
“Not me, Captain. If you’re wondering why I left. It was to get a better angle, because I noticed snipers in the windows,” I offer, keeping my eyes locked on Kaanus’ with false contrition.
Hyanxa scoffs, “Lying bitch, you probably set us up. Hanging us out like Mutalisk bait for your little do-gooder Chorick as revenge.”
Her icy words freeze over my chest, stealing my breath. This is much worse than I imagined if they suspect I instigated the attack. “No!” I shoot back, my voice now carrying genuine shock. “What revenge? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I finish casting frantic glances between the pair.
“Don’t play dumb. You little slave cunt,” Hyanxa snarls, her long red hair, flutters as she shakes her head. “I’ve never trusted you. You squirm, scheme, and manipulate, then play the part of the sad, oppressed female. But I see through you, you can’t fool me, alien bitch!” she shouts.
She knows me better than anyone. I hate her.
Hyanxa holsters her gun and moves to strike me, yet I don’t cower as my hands ball into fists. “Enough!” Kaanus roars, stiffening my spine, and halting us both. “I’m so voiding tired of all this crap, I must’ve been mad to leave the Argorian Alliance Military.” He thumbs his temples as he moves to dress himself in a red polymer robe. “Tyrxie’s not a slave. Sure, I pay you a fair share, isn’t that right?” he gestures towards me awaiting an answer.
Then how did I end up here, alone?
Yet I hold my tongue. “Yes, more than fair,” I hasten to answer, sensing Kaanus is drawing closer to my side. “How would I even contact this Chorick? I never meet him in my life!” I glare into the Captain’s unreadable white eyes.
Kaanus picks up another bottle of dark brown alcohol, taking a generous swig, spilling some down his chin. “That’s true,” he utters as he turns to Hyanxa.
The female Jungarian bristles and tuts. “Then why didn’t you return after the attack? You were gone for hours. You only returned because the Klendathian uncovered you. Admit it!” She challenges.
How does she know so much?
“I... I was chased off by Chorick’s gang. After I injured his shoulder saving you, Captain. I had to jump out of a voiding window. Not knowing if they’d still be chasing me, so I ran as fast as I could and got lost until Xandor found me,” I retort, my gaze fixed on Kaanus. He’s the one I need to convince.
“You’re not buying this crap? Look at her. Every word that spews from her whore mouth is a lie,” Hyanxa gestures towards me as she moves to stand next to Kaanus. “Look at me Kaanus.” She directs the Captain’s gaze with a hand. “I was right about the station. I was right about the ambush. Now listen to me for once instead of your dick!” Her eyes dart to me, laden with such menace it steals my breath. “She can’t be trusted.”
I should run. Run and hide.
But there’s nowhere to hide, not here, not on Kaanus’ ship. “No, that’s not true. I nearly died fighting to save you!” I plead with outstretched hands, almost hysterical.
Hyanxa smirks as her eyes shift in my direction, filling me with a sense of foreboding dread, like she’s about to reveal a winning hand of Zygon. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” She sneers. “You think we don’t know what goes on our ownship? Just because you scurry like a stupid znat cunt under the gangways?”
Kaanus strokes Hyanxa’s red hair as her words burrow into me with their worrying certainty. My mind spins in a frantic swirl, trying to predicate what damning evidence she’s about to reveal. “I checked Triandale’s logs. Seems a crew member was to bring the Klendathian’s masks to someone called Katarian... I wonder who that could’ve been?” She snarls at me, her question dripping with sarcasm.
“I... I have no idea about Triandale’s plans. Why don’t you ask him?” I stutter the lie, knowing full well Triandale hasn’t returned. Hoping with desperation I can lay any blame at his feet.
Hyanxa throws back her head, laughing, somehow more frightening than her fiercest sneers. “You’ve got some nerve on you. I’ll give you that,” she says after a moment. “I saw you two meeting.” She lets her words hang in the air as a treacherous flicker of doubt crosses my features. “Oh yes, that’s the look I wanted to see. The moment your lies come crashing down.”
“Only... Only to ask for a more powerful gun for the scoomer trade!” I blurt out, my voice struggling to remain level.