Page 64 of Uncovered By the Alien Commander
Like the scorched brand on my chest, removing him would only inflict pain on myself. I exhale deeply as a wave of relief washes over me, growing content with my choice.I spared his life not for his sake, but for my own.
I continue my aimless trek, mirroring the directionless state of my life. Lost, adrift without a destination. My future, once certain, promising a life of simple service aboard the Mutalisk’s Hammer, is now full of danger and uncertainty.Did I truly agree to leave with Xandor for Nebia? When did I make that decision? What in the void was I thinking?
Suppressing a groan, I thumb the sides of my temples, wondering how I’ve escaped a supernova only to plunge into a black hole. I have no idea what Xandor’s mission is on Nebia, but that planet is a voiding war zone! In fact, I know next to nothing about Xandor, other than his strange and obsessive ability to always find me.
He found me and kept his promise to protect me.
It’s a strange thought that sends a thrill through me. Have I finally found someone who I can trust, who comes through on their promises, not seeking to abuse me? Xandor saved me from Kaanus, when I feared he would kill me... No, that’s a lie, I know Kaanus wouldn’t have killed me. He could attack, even bruise me, but he would never end my life. Another truth that I’d buried deep inside.
But what does Xandor want from me? I still need to uncover that truth.
My next move depends on it. I’m unwilling to replace one master for another, even if he comes in the form of a handsome giant. Perhaps I could stay by Xandor’s side until we reach Nebia, then once he’s distracted with whatever business he has, I can slip away unnoticed?
A surge of unease rises deep within, clutching my heart. To betray Xandors trust again, after he’s supported and rescued me, is wrong. But with a grimace, I suppress such concerns, knowing that in this harsh reality, I can only rely on myself. I’m in a precarious situation where a single wrong move, one incorrect choice, brings death or slavery.
Heavy plodding footsteps interrupt my dark thoughts. I stop myself from dashing into the shadows, hoping the oncoming sound belongs to Quad and not the other Klendathians I’ve been avoiding.
I breathe a sigh of relief, already noticing the four arms pumping back and forth through the hazy, fog-like atmosphere. “Oh, hello Tiny,” Quad bellows out, halting his movements with a beaming smile.
I gasp, noting the dark-green splotchy bruises marring his exposed chest. “You’re hurt, Quad!” I exclaim, concern in my voice.
“This?” Quad asks, rubbing an angry, swollen welt on his chest with a frown. “Mod gave lotion, but tastes funny,” he adds with a scrunched face.
I sigh, shaking my head. “You aren’t supposed to eat it, you big dummy.” I extract the cloth Mod had given me earlier, offering it to Quad. “Here, use this,” I instruct, hoping there’s some ointment remaining.
“Huh? Then why it smell so good? Silly Tiny,” Quad remarks, pinching the cloth and taking a few sniffs, a look of blissblooming upon his face. I’m astonished, he’s not repulsed by the pungent antiseptic scent.
Draping the cloth over his face like a veil, Quad begins to rub. “Smells good!” his booming voice echoes down the corridor.
“Void sake, Quad, rub it on your wound!” I shout with exasperation, straining to reach his towering head, to guide the cloth to his chest. “There’s probably no ointment left now.”
“Ouch, stingy!” Quad grimaces. His deep-set eyes flick to me, as if I’ve played some trick on him.
“Good, that means it’s working,” I assure him with a smile. “It’ll start feeling better soon, I promise.”
“Pfft!” he spits globs of phlegm, forcing me to dodge, though some still lands on my face. “Can’t trust you. You left us!”
His words sting more than the Mod’s ointment had. “Thanks, Quad,” I reply, wiping my face, his spittle and words mingling in my sarcastic tone. “I saved your lives by taking out their snipers!” I retort with more heat than intended, already resenting the need to defend my actions when I fought and killed to protect them.
But Quad’s right; I left them. But he wouldn’t understand. No one does.
“Okay...” Quad scratches the back of his bald green head, a look of open-mouthed confusion painting his face. “Did you see me bashing?” he asks, his demeanor shifting with sudden excitement as he beams, flailing his arms like meaty hooks of destruction.
“Um... Yeah,” I recoil, not wishing to become the latest victim of Quad’s ‘bashing.’ “You bashed the crap out of those guys,” I answer with a smile, enjoying the look of pride that lights up his face. “You might be the best basher ever!”
Quad beams with joy, his wide smile almost splitting his broad face. “I’m best basher!” he declares, until he halts, a flicker of doubt creasing his features. “No Scary, best basher, I’m secondbest!” he corrects before flexing his mighty arms and making swooshing sounds.
His words prompt me to frown. “Xandor is a good basher,” I concede dryly.Xandor’s too good at most things, especially at finding me.
“Yep!” Quad booms, before he stops to stare at me for a long moment. I strain under his intense glare, resisting the urge to flinch. Then, with a speed that belies his bulky frame, he lifts me into the air, twirling me in circles as if I weigh nothing in his massive hands.
The world spins and my Nutripaste laden stomach threatens revenge. “Void sake, Quad, put me down!” I demand, my heart pounding in my chest. Quad laughs like he’s having the time of his life, while I’m just grateful for the low ceiling. Remembering the last time he picked me up, he threw me high into the air, twisting my ankle.
After what seems like an eternity, he finally sets me down, still chuckling. My vision spins and my legs wobble, forcing me to place a steadying hand against the hull. “I think I’m going to be sick,” I protest as my body lurches.
“I’m happy you come back,” Quad says with a smile. At least I think he’s smiling. It’s hard to be certain with the room still spinning. “Will Skinny come back too?” he questions, his voice now shifted to a somber tone.
The mention of Triandale causes a pang of sadness within me, forcing my eyes downward. “I don’t think he’s coming back, Quad,” I reply with a soft voice, unable to meet the hulking Barlyxian’s gaze.