Page 7 of Uncovered By the Alien Commander
Is he sad like me or is this just how Gorglaxians appear?
He wrinkles his inward slit nose, which has drooping, tentacle-like appendages in what I assume is a disdainful way. “Voiding Klendathians,” he sneers as his eyes dart to the pistol on my belt. “Smart girl Tyrxie, don’t trust these killers,” he scoffs, nodding to his long-barreled graviton rifle strapped over his back.
I trust no one.
I gasp, seeing his weapon as Triandale claims it’s unique to his people and only uses it in the most dangerous missions. These Klendathians must be terrifying to spook our security officer. The thought causes my pulse to rise. As I step down the ramp, the warm purple sun feels pleasant on my skin.
The air feels fresh and crisp. I take a deep breath, enjoying the moment.Maybe I should have risked the trip with others... No, better to be safe on the ship.I’m relieved to see no giant murderous alien males known as the Klendathians, although I’ve never seen one. Only Triandale and Kaanus cautions to go by. Strange wooden carts lie abandoned outside our ship, half full of containers.
They’re a strange contrast from the sleek black marble surroundings of this massive open-air hanger, as small nimble crafts dart in the distant sky. A bizarre blend of a primitive society mixed with advanced technology. These Klendathians must be a strange species, but I don’t care to investigate further. With haste, I grasp the smallest box and I’m amazed by itsstrange, dark gnarled wooden frame, which appears to have grown from roots.
Despite its size, I still struggle with the weight, with clenched teeth and arms straining. I turn, heading up the ramp, each plodding step jarring my feeble muscles. Quad comes thundering down, a big smile splitting his green face. “Only one tiny box!” His voice booms.
I hate cargo duty!
This is Quad’s domain. He is the master of lifting, oh, and he makes sure you never forget it. My face heats with effort, struggling. Despite that, I push myself harder, already fearing the inevitable.No, he’s coming!Quad’s large boots echo behind me, his laughter growing louder. I sigh as he storms past me, carrying two of the largest boxes clutched in his four muscular arms. “You so slow!” he mocks, smirking over his shoulder.
I wish I was a Barlyxian like him, then no one would bother me.
Reaching the top of the docking hatch ramp, panting with a light sweat and what must be a crimson-colored face. Kaanus appears, inspecting my box before I’ve even laid it down. “What’s this one?” he asks. Before I can even shrug, he answers his own question. “Ah, borack fur. Very good. I’ll get a fortune for these on Omega Flux Station.”
I grunt, heaving the box on top of a pile of others. “Borack meat more valuable per cubic inch? No?” Mod offers, his beady eyes inspecting the box as well.
Kaanus scoffs, “Void, bit late to be telling me now, Mod,” he complains, glaring down at the Glaseroid who seems oblivious.
“I think Mod should help with the Cargo,” I suggest suppressing a smile as I enjoy the guilty pleasure of someone else being the victim of a chewing out for a change.
Mod interjects speaking faster than usual, “No, my antennae get stuck,” he gestures to the two spindly appendages attached to his flat, narrow head.
“What in the voiding void has antennae got to do—” Kaanus begins, his temper flaring.
I need to get out of here.
Quad interrupts with blissful ignorance of the Captain’s simmering anger that can flare faster and hotter than a supernova. Quad fears no one, not even Captain Kaanus. I wish I could be more like him. “Mod, even smaller than Tyrxie!” His voice booms and he doubles over, shaking with laughter. “He only lifts micro boxes!”
An awkward moment hangs in the air as we stare at the laughing mass of muscle and fat that is Quad. I’m relieved to see Kaanus suppressing a smile. The tension lifting. “Quad, you shouldn’t be laughing,” Kaanus gestures towards him. “You’re supposed to be taking stock as the cargo master, but last time I let you do it, you made a voiding mess of things.”
Quad just shrugs his massive shoulders as Mod chimes in. “Quad appears only able to count to four. No?” Mod flutters his many appendages beneath his mouth slit. “Perhaps multiples of four... hmm, further investigation required.”
“I count fine,” Quad protests, nodding several times. “One!” His voice echoes as he flexes an impressive bicep. “Two.” His left upper arm also curls, showing a taut, peaked muscle. “And four!” He roars as he curls all his arms as the veins pop and muscles bulge. Almost impressive—if not for the fact he’s a big dummy.
“Hmm. Original hypothesis needs reevaluation. No?” Mod chimes in, tapping away at his wrist console.
Kaanus shakes his head with frustration and disdain. “Void sake. Here,” he gestures towards me, before manipulating his wrist console. “Tyrxie, you take the stock from now on.” My wristconsole vibrates with a notification, the beginning of a stock take. “You lift shit all, anyway.”
No more lifting!
“I haven’t got time for this crap,” Kaanus continues, waving a finger encompassing the large cargo hold. “Get these goods loaded. Then meet me on the bridge.” His eyes narrow as he glances between us. “We’ve an interesting job to discuss.” My heart skips a beat at his words. Whenever the Captain mentions an ‘Interesting job,’ it often means something very dangerous.
Kaanus claps his scaled hands. The loud, sudden noise interrupts my thoughts, stiffening my spine. “Quickly now, you lazy znats. Time is credits!”
A sense of apprehension washes over me as I stand before the bridge door. Hyanxa will be there, as well as the eyes and attention of the entire crew. Safer to be unseen and unheard. With a deep breath, I steel myself as the gray metal door whooshes open.
“Ah, we can begin now,” Kaanus declares, his white eyes noticing my entrance. I’m the last of the seven crew. They are all seated on polymer stools too small for them, around the polished metal table, in the cramped bridge. Their impatient glares make my skin crawl as I scurry to the only empty seat beside Quad.
“Bitch is always late,” Hyanxa spits her long-muzzled face turned up. “As if we wait on her.” I avert my eyes to the only view port on the entire ship, enjoying the sight of actual sunlight.
She wouldn’t attack me in front of everyone?