Page 9 of Daughters of Chaos
Her words come out smooth and sharp as needles. "Whore? You want to callmea whore?" Raven lets out a dark chuckle. "Let me tell you something, bitch, only one person in this house fits that bill. And she's the one I'm staring at—the one who looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet in the middle of a dust storm."
An audible gasp escapes the bimbo's mouth as my sister continues to rip her a new one. "You can try to hide your filthy pussy stench with knockoff perfume and all the fancy G-strings in the world, but everyone here knows the truth. You are nothing more than a hole to these men, and even then, they wonder if all the Valtrex in the world is worth it."
Raven eyes the woman up and down before adding, "Let's be honest here; we both know it isn't."
When the shock wears off, the blonde turns to Raptor, fuming. "Are you gonna let her talk to me like that?"
He shrugs, fighting back a smile. "Maybe you should leave."
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"He said leave,bitch. Take the hint," Raven tells her.
With a huff, the girl turns toward my sister, glaring wildly at her. I watch in horror as she raises her hand, getting ready to unleash her paw on my sister. Raven sees it, too, but she smiles, daring this girl to do her worst. I know what's in store if she goes through with it.
The second the girl's palm makes contact with Rae's face, she'll be a goner, and something in my sister's eyes tells me she's aching for a fight. As the bimbo moves to strike, a hand appears from nowhere, stopping her. I stare in awe as Reaper glares down at the woman.
Where the hell did he come from?
I look over at Raven, who looks both shocked and amused by the sight in front of her. We watch as he pushes the blonde back a few feet, putting distance between her and Raven.
"Prez says we get to bury anyone who puts a hand on either of them," he growls, pointing a finger at me and my sister. "You wanna be the first person I bury?" His voice is low and menacing, causing the woman to shrink away, looking terrified.
She shakes her head quickly, not saying a word. He gestures down the stairs as he snarls, "Out!"
In a flash, she runs down the stairs, slamming the door shut behind her as she flees. I could see the fear in her eyes as this mountain of a man stared her down, not that I could blame her. Reaper looks like a man you never want to cross. Menace and danger bathe his whole aura.I'm sure most who encounter him would shy away from such a man.
Anyone but my sister, apparently . . .
I watch in amazement as she smirks at him. "You trying to play hero now, Grim?"
My breath catches at her boldness. I look on as Reaper leers her way before rolling his eyes. I'm sure it isn't often that a man like him runs into someone like Raven. She's always been bold and brave, playing with fire like it's nothing and never getting burned.
Reaper ignores her, telling Raptor, "Need them downstairs in five minutes. Doc is here to do the test."
Raptor nods in acknowledgment before facing Raven and me. "I'm ready," I tell him, turning to my sister.
She lets out an irritated huff before heading toward the stairs, brushing past Reaper on the way. "Let's get this over with," she grumbles. Reaper follows closely behind her, fists and jaw clenched tight.
As they disappear down the steps, Raptor holds his hand toward the staircase. "Ladies first."
"I won't tell Reaper you said that," I tell him with a giggle.
He smiles. "That's probably a good idea." His wink nearly undoes me as I suck in a breath, trying very hard not to trip over my feet as we descend the staircase.
In the kitchen, I see Raven looking as annoyed as ever as an older gentleman—Doc, I'm guessing—swabs her cheek. Around the room, several of the club members watch silently. Elias is focused on Raven and Doc, studying them with an unreadable expression. Next to him is Bear, who continues to look suspicious as he scrutinizes every move they make.
I can't wait until these results come back. Then, we can finally prove to everyone we aren't the scam artists Bear seems to believe we are. I sigh as I continue to look around the room. Everyone is zeroed in on what the club's doctor is doing—everyone except Raptor. When I meet his eyes, I notice he's focused on something else. Me.
He gives me a soft smile before asking, "You good?"
I nod, giving him a shy smile in return. Before either of us can say more, Doc calls me over. A few minutes later, he wraps up and packs his things, stopping to talk to Elias and Bear before leaving.
"Doc says he'll have the results in a day or two. He'll let us know as soon as they're in," Elias announces. He turns to Rae and me with a sober expression. "Until then, you two can stay here and use that room I gave you last night. We'll figure the rest out in a couple of days when the results are in."
Raven bristles beside me. "You mean, you're holding us hostage until the results are in?"
"We're making sure you don't go find trouble before we know who you really are," Bear replies sternly.