Page 69 of Wolf Pack
“If he is feeling better,” Isobel said.
The brothers smiled at Alasdair. “It seems you have met your match,” Hans said.
Alasdair chuckled. “Aye, she is perfect for me.”
Then he and Isobel retired to his own chamber, and she helped him undress. She thought he was just going to climb into bed, but he wanted to help her disarm first, pull off her shoes, brat, léine, and chemise, and then join him in bed.
“Are you truly feeling all right?” she asked, snuggling with him under the furs, worried about him.
“Aye. I canna believe my fortune when your brother came along so I could take you home with me.”
She sighed and kissed his chest. “I’m sorry he hit you. But you must admit you are adding more able-bodied wolves to the pack.”
He chuckled and kissed the top of her head, his hand sliding down her back in a gentle caress. “You do realize that you have added eight wolves to the pack since your arrival? I have you to thank for that.”
And she thought she would add even more to the pack with her loving mate in time.
Except for those guarding the castle and the ones riding with him, Alasdair was glad that everyone else was abed when they arrived at the castle so that he could share the news when they broke their fast in the morning. Mege better not cause any issues over it.
The sooner they let everyone know about it, the sooner Mege and her friends knew Alasdair wasn’t available to mate any other she-wolf. “We’ll celebrate on the morrow. And we’ll let everyone know you’re a co-leader of the pack.”
“I know Bessetta has managed the staff in the past. I dinna want to take her position. I dinna want her to feel as though I’m pushing her out of the way and taking over.”
“It is your choice, and I can tell you’ll be a good pack leader already. Bessetta has always been prepared for the day I took a mate, and she could step down from her responsibilities.”
Isobel smiled. “I’ll talk with her and make sure she does what she wants, and I do whatever I need to do. I will be fine making sure no one causes trouble and does their jobs, but I will be just as happy teaching the women and older children how to swordfight.”
“Aye. I knew you were the one for me.” He kissed her cheek.
Then she frowned. “What will your people think when they see your head bloodied? What if they’re afraid when they learn that my brother did that and think he’s just another wild Icelander?”
“They’ll also know that he thought he was freeing you from being one of our slaves—so he thought. Besides, they know you and your family are here helping the MacEachens. And now your brother is. You also brought in some Highland wolves to join our pack. If they work hard, our people will be pleased. I’ve been trying to increase our numbers for years.”
“Well, if anyone gives you trouble over it, let me know, and I’ll take care of them.”
He chuckled and ran his hands through her golden hair. “That’s why I love you. You will fight my battles for me whenever I’m no’ around to handle them.”
“And at your side to help you fight them even when you are there.”
“Aye. That’s another reason why you are the only one for me. We’ll break our fast…”
“And more.”
“We’ll prepare a celebration?—”
“I mean more than that.”
He laughed. “Aye. We’ll slip away to my chamber for certain when no one notices.” He hugged her again.
“I’m glad my brother showed up. I didna want you to leave, but the croft had too many people already, and we wouldna have any privacy. So this is perfect.”
He kissed her. “I love you, sweeting.”
“I love you.” Then she gave him one last kiss and cuddled with him.
Isobel was elatedto be here with Alasdair in his bedchamber as his mate. She never thought she would have been mated, not when they were living with a human clan. And for him to be a Scot? But then she remembered that she needed to tell Alasdair that she and her kin had stayed with the Viking clan in Iceland that had raided the area.