Page 18 of My Best Years
I blink rapidly, trying not to be hypnotized by his intense stare.
“Well, my parents are going to be upset if they find out I’m skipping class for no reason,” I retort, trying not to let him see how much he affects me. “So, I need to go.”
He tilts his head, looking down at me like he knows I’m bluffing.
“You’re not skipping. You’ll just be a few minutes late,” he adds. “Besides, we’re in eighth grade now, not elementary school. No one will call your parents because you’re late for one class.”
“What am I going to say when Mr. Buckley asks where I’ve been in front of the whole class?”
“Just say you were in the bathroom,” he shrugs. “It’s not like it's a lie.”
I roll my eyes because I amnotgoing to say that.
Sorry, Mr. Buckley. I got caught up on the toilet.
Yeah, not freaking happening.
I might as well just get this over with.
“What do you want to talk about?” I huff out, annoyance lacing my tone. “I really do need to get to class.”
With his hands still on my shoulders, he doesn't waste a second before addressing the elephant in the room.
“Are you mad that I’m dating Josie?”
Way to get right to the point, Callum.
I arch my brows like I’m offended.
“Excuse me?” I ask.
Instantly, I watch him cringe internally.
“God…” he exhales while running a hand through his hair, looking frustrated with himself. “I feel like such an ass asking you this, but that’s when everything changed between us. When I asked Josie to be my girlfriend.”
I’m still getting used to hearing Callum curse. I know he doesn't say things like that around his dad. I don’t know much about Cal’s family, but I know he doesn't like his father. I’ve asked him about his dad multiple times, but Callum refuses to talk about him. It’s almost like he’s scared of his own father.
Silence passes between us as I stare down at my feet. After a few seconds, Callum places a finger beneath my chin and gently tilts my head until I’m staring directly into his blue eyes.
“Birdie Wren,” he whispers, sending shivers down my spine. He always uses my middle name when he’s being serious. “Talk to me.”
My eyes bounce between his.
“I’m not mad…” I trail off before my honesty spills out like vomit. “I’m just still trying to get used to you and Josie. Before her…you were mine.Mybest friend.Myperson.MyCallum. And now, you’re hers, too. I’m not used to sharing you, Cal.”
My bottom lip trembles as I let my true feelings out.
His throat bobs as he swallows thickly.
“Birdie…” his voice cracks with emotion. “You know that you can always hang out with us, right? Josie wouldn't mind.”
“No,” I reply without hesitation. “I can’t.”
He furrows his brows.