Page 11 of Guarded By Death
"Twenty-One, and you're eighteen? I remember you mentioning it last night." He says.
“Mhmm.” I reply quietly as we round the top of the wheel. As if he can sense my fear, he pulls me closer to him.
After exiting the rusted Ferris wheel, I lace my fingers through his. I don't know where that courage came from but when he securely wraps his around mine, I know I made the right decision.
The delicious aroma of fair-style food hits my nose, making my empty stomach groan. "Are you hungry?" he asks, leading us to the colorful booths. I dig into my wallet as we walk up, realizing that my debit card must be at home. I spent my cash on the teller.
A woman with fiery red hair looks between us. "What can I get for you?" she asks. I look to Pierce, who has his wallet out, ready to pay.
My eyes roam the short menu, trying to find something cheap. "A corndog, please," I say, feeling guilty for not having my card.
Pierce shakes his head, his sharp edges illuminated by the neon signs around us. "Your stomach is growling that loud and you're getting just a corn dog?"
"I'm just a little hungry." The lie doesn’t hold when my stomach betrays me.
"We'll have two corn dogs with fries and two cokes, please." He tells her and I thank him bashfully.
Plastic baskets lined with red checkered paper are handed to us and we head for a nearby bench. I didn't realize how hungry I was, this is the first thing I've eaten all day. Before I could even touch the eggs Liv made us, I was hurling over the toilet. I eat quicker than usual, enjoying the food filling my empty stomach.
As we return the trays, I worry in my rush of eating that there’s food on my face. I hear Pierce laugh as I attempt to check my reflection in a sliver of steel on the booth. "I'm going to run to the restroom," I say.
He walks with me towards the bathroom and stands at the edge of the pier admiring the water. I steal a moment to observe him, the way his broad shoulders rise and fall as he breathes in the salty air and how his head shakes every so often to move the thick hair from his forehead.
I’m reeling from the turn of events, having never gone on a proper date like this before. I nearly dance into the bathroom like a giddy schoolgirl.
I smile when I take in my reflection. Luckily, no food on my face. Just a happy girl looking back at me with a slight flush in her cheeks. I fix my hair as well as I can and smooth out my yellow dress. I'm happy I decided to throw on some mascara before work, trying to liven up my tired appearance.
I'm so exhausted from the past day and I know I need more sleep, but my body is full of excitement with Pierce right outside. I wonder how long he wants to hang out tonight, I should call my mom and let her know I'll be home late.
Suddenly, the door bursts open, and a man comes charging in.
"Sir, this is the lady's res-" His large hand quickly covers my mouth as he pins me to the wall with so much force it knocks the wind out of me.
I struggle to free myself from his grip, frantically hitting and scratching him. As I look into his eyes a muffled gasp escapes my covered lips. What stares back at me is a familiar pitch black that sends chills down my spine.
Iscream into the stranger's hand, but my desperate cries for help are smothered by the pressure. I attempt to pull my eyes from his face, but I'm stuck, trapped in his demonic gaze.
He holds me tight against the wall, pinning me harder. I'm feeling weaker every second and my body begins to go limp.
Through my blurred vision, I see Pierce charging towards us. Relief floods me as he rushes to my side, pulling the man away with an iron grip. He violently throws him against the concrete wall, and crumbled rock shatters on the hard ground.
This is nearly identical to last night, except now I know my hero's name. Why do I need a hero, though? Why is this happening again?
The man's large body slams from wall to wall as Pierce thrashes him around with ease. No matter how much the man is thrown around, his gaze is locked into mine and every time he falls, he gets back up and tries to come towards me as if I’m his target.
I stare in shock wondering how he isn’t knocked out yet. With one final blow, Pierce's fist connects with the face of the evil man and he falls to the ground. I gasp when Pierce’s glance turns to me, his emerald eyes have transitioned into a deep jade that houses flecks of black.
In a movement so quick I can't believe it's real, Pierce is in front of me wrapping his arms tightly around me. I bury my face into his chest and close my eyes tightly. I feel safe here, but why aren't we running? He is right behind him. We have to get out of here! We will only have a second before the madman pulls him away from my arms.
I frantically start pulling and thrashing from his warm grip. "Pierce! We have to move!" I scream into his chest as he holds me tighter, I feel tears welling in my eyes. My feet slide on the crunchy ground and I start to assess the atmosphere, the sound of waves crashing takes over my thoughts.
My tightly closed eyes open a little to look down at my feet which are now embedded in white sand. I slowly lift my head from Pierce's chest and take in the site around me, completely dumbfounded. The pale white of fluorescent lighting from the bathroom is gone, replaced by silvery moonlight that trails across the ocean.
Tears fall from my eyes. "I'm losing my mind!" I scream at him. Maybe the drugs haven't worn off? He grabs me gently, pulling his body slightly away from me.