Page 35 of Guarded By Death
Ican't hold it in any longer. "He did." I quietly sob into the familiar shoulder of one of my longest friends. Zack pulls me even tighter against his broad chest and I revel in the warm feeling.
Liv coughs behind us, breaking me from my trance. I glance over at her and give her a small smile. I'm so thankful for her.
"She really needs food in her stomach," Liv says, gesturing to me. The thankfulness is gone, I roll my eyes.
"Girl Code." I remind her but she ignores me.
Zack's eyes drink me in for the first time. "Shit, Scarlett, I saw you last week. How do you look so thin?" He places his hand over his mouth as he assesses my fragile state.
"I did eat," I state, darting my eyes to where Liv stands.
She takes a dramatic breath. "You ate chicken pot pie, that's the one thing you've had in days that you could keep down," she says in a worried tone, like a mother hen. She directs her gaze towards Zack. "I ordered Chinese, pizza, even Thai food!" she exclaims.
I want to comfort her; I feel awful that she's been trying so hard. For days she's been ordering everything trying to make me feel better and I try every time, but it just makes me sick. When will I ever be able to keep food down?
"Can't you just make what you made last night? We can stay here." I beg, realizing maybe I shouldn't leave.
She shakes her head, stomping her foot into the ground. "No! You are going to get out of this house. You barely know this guy, he shouldn't be affecting you like this!" She scolds and I flinch at her harsh words, she doesn't understand. Doesn't she know I love him?
She notices my sad expression. "If you can't keep what we eat down, I promise I'll make you chicken pot pie again,” she assures me.
Sliding into the front seat of Zack's jeep, I look in between my two constants. I'm so thankful for them sticking by my side, not judging me when I've fallen into this dark hole. Zack was here for me at another hard time in my life when my dad passed away, never failing me, never judging.
Liv hadn't come around yet, but I know she would have been there for me too. I reach over and put my hand in Zack's, addicted to the feeling of needing to be comforted by someone familiar.
We stopped by Panera and ate, I opted for the soup so it would be easy on my stomach. I felt fine afterward, hopefully my stomach has fixed itself.
The ride to Chad's was short and as we pulled up to the party, I saw the mass amounts of people surrounding his house. Chad is a guy from school, I don't know him well but it's a small town and we've all been in the same class since Kindergarten.
Kegs line the sand and half of the guys from the football team flip people upside down to get a drink. I've never understood that, why don't they just drink from a glass or take a shot?
I sit down on an abandoned blanket in front of the massive bonfire to warm up. The ocean breeze makes it a little chilly. Zack gives me a sheepish smile as he scoots in close to me on the small blanket, receiving an eye roll from Liv who thinks he's always a little too obvious. Normally I would protest but I don't mind the familiarity right now, it's nice.
"Keg stand?" Liv asks with a mischievous grin.
I laugh a small laugh, shaking my head. "I'm fine."
"Zack?" she asks, and he sighs before getting up. His absence leaves a cold spot in the blanket, but they return quickly with drinks in their hands.
"What's this?" I ask as Zack places a cup in my hands.
He shrugs. "I don't know, something sweet." He laughs as he returns to my side. Always loyal.
The cool sweet liquid slides down my throat as I take in my first sip. I revel in the feeling I get after one glass. It almost makes me not care anymore.
It's been a couple of hours since we arrived. The drinks have been flowing and I’ve been happily accepting them, desperate to feel anything besides this sadness that's taken residence inside of me. The fire has grown larger, people are haphazardly piling random things on the burning embers to keep the party going. I watch the red-hot pieces fly up in a hypnotizing fashion as they dance above the burning wood.
I feel a soft pressure on my knee, and I direct my gaze to Zack. He's watching me, admiring me. His eyes twinkle from the flames as he brings his lips close to my ear and whispers, "Wanna go on a walk?"
I look around at the partygoers dancing, and twirling. I feel good, better than I have in a week, thanks to Liv and Zack and the sweet cherry drinks I've been sipping on. A walk to the ocean sounds amazing right about now. I smile at him. "I'd love to." I wait for him to invite Liv but when he extends his hand out to me, I give her a shy smile before telling her we will be right back.
Confidence, presumably from the alcohol, makes Zack's demeanor different. He's even more comfortable with me as he throws his arm over my shoulders as we walk away from the fire and towards the water.
"You look very pretty tonight," he says as he takes my small hand in his. I smile as we walk side by side towards the dark waters.
"Thank you," I respond in a quiet voice. The moon casts a white shadow across the water, I take a moment to stare as the waves crash onto the shore.