Page 37 of Guarded By Death
"Oh my God!" Liv squeals as my body thrust forward. The sweet liquid burns as it rushes out of me so fast that I can't catch a breath.
"Pull over!" Zack yells to the random kid that's driving, and he holds my hair out of my face as I empty the contents of my stomach all over his car. Always patient.
I didn't realize we had started moving again until we come to a stop in Liv's driveway. Zack walks around and picks me up to carry me inside. "I'm so sorry! Let me clean it up!" I plead, trying to wiggle from his grip.
He flips his blonde hair out of his eyes and looks down at me with an amused expression. "Don't even think about it," he grins. "It’s metal flooring, I'll just run a hose over it in a minute." He shrugs and I don't argue.
"I think we should take her to the hospital." He suggests to Liv but doesn't take his eyes off of me. I say 'no' in protest, but they ignore me like I'm a pestering child.
Liv nods in agreement. "I mentioned it to her a few times, but she doesn't want to go. She just keeps saying she has a stomach bug," she replies in a defeated tone as she unlocks the front door.
Zack carries me bridal style through the doorway. Always strong. "If she isn't better soon, we will," he states and I don't argue, maybe I do need fluids in my system. Maybe they have drugs that will mask a heart that's been ripped to shreds.
He sets me down inside and I hobble to the bathroom to brush my teeth and change, my body feels so weak. I hear the hose running and I cringe at the thought of Zack having to clean that up.
After washing my face one more time I head back downstairs to find them talking with one another about their master plan to fix me. Don't they know I can't be fixed? They have no idea how hard it is that I can't tell them what is going on, what's really going on.
"I'm staying the night," he tells us, and Liv's expression lightens up.
"Movie night!” she exclaims as she rushes to grab what I'm sure is popcorn, but I’m not going to eat a single thing until my stomach feels better.
"Don't forget to take your iron pills," I say to her out of habit and she smiles before grabbing her bottle. I don't want her to have a blackout in front of Zack. It was already embarrassing enough that I threw up in his car, no matter how much he acted like it was okay.
I sit down on the smaller loveseat that Pierce and I kissed on for the first time. It makes my heart ache to be thinking about the ghost of him.
Zack had a bag from his car, and he exits the bathroom in a crisp white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. "Scoot over," he says as he grabs a blanket and sits next to me. His arm slings around me, and I sink into his familiar embrace.
Liv walks back into the living room. Sure enough, popcorn and sodas in hand. She hands me a glass of sprite and I slowly drink it; it feels good going down my sore throat. I ended up eating popcorn during the last half of the movie she chose.
"I’m only eating things you make from now on Liv." I joke as I snicker to myself, grabbing another handful of popcorn. She doesn't respond so I peek back and see her fast asleep.
I grab the remote and turn the T.V. off. I hear a light snore coming from Liv and I giggle a little at her sleepy sounds. Zack being the gentleman he is gets up and carries her to her room. He quickly returns to the living room and helps me to the guest room.
I'm still fairly intoxicated and all I want is to sleep, it has to be at least three in the morning. I walk in and plop down on the comfy bed. Zack takes his shirt off and climbs in next to me. "You don't have to sleep in here," I assure him.
"I'm not leaving you alone," he tells me, and his promise is all I need to feel a little safer.
I get in and lay my head on his bare chest, it's not Pierce but I don't think I'll ever find that level of comfort in my lifetime again. I'm instantly sleepy when he begins to run his hands through my hair, it's twisted and tangled from the salt air, but he gently plays with it.
His chest is radiating heat and it feels so nice. Zack has always been so good to me, he's always a constant. Always patient. Always strong. Always loyal. "Always perfect."
"What was that?" he asks, and I straighten. Did I say that out loud?
"Nothing," I mumble as I sink further into his chest, falling asleep against his warmth. Thankful that he can't see the blush on my face.
At some point, the sweat coming from my forehead and the familiar nauseous feelings have jolted me awake. Zack sits up as soon as I do. The room is incredibly dark, it can't be morning.
"What's wrong?" he asks, his voice thick with sleep.
I wipe a thick sheen of sweat from my brows. "I don't know, I'm really hot. Like my skin is on fire." I wince as my stomach turns in knots, letting out a small shriek.
"That's it. We are going to the hospital." He turns on the lamp and looks at me. "Fuck, Scarlett, you're as white as a ghost," he gulps, lifting his long arms through his white t-shirt quickly before moving to my side.
His eyes are wild as they rake over my body. I lift my oversized t-shirt and wipe the sweat from my face. A loud gasp escapes his lips and I turn to see his face contort. Anger and concern fill his eyes as he lightly brushes his fingertips against the faded bruise.
"What happened?" He sneers as I tightly pull the shirt down to cover myself, but it's too late. "Did he do this to you?" He can't believe the question he's asking as he covers his mouth with his hand and uses his other to run through his hair. How do I explain it?
A tear falls down my cheek, "No! Of course not," I lie. He won't understand that he was trying to protect me. There was a demon coming after me, how can I explain that. "I... I fell," I lie again, but he doesn't believe me, I can tell by his eyes that he doesn't.