Page 39 of Guarded By Death
Pierce walks over to him and places a firm hand on his shoulder. I begin to worry that he's going to punch him from the way his jaw is clenched. "Look at me, it's okay. I'm okay to be here." His voice is velvet and calculated as he speaks calmly to the doctor, who to my surprise gives him a nod and a smile before continuing.
He walks to my bedside and Pierce follows. "Ms. Wells, I am going to tell you something, it's going to be confusing but it's best we talk now. After this, I will call the proper authorities so we can start an investigation if it's necessary." His serious tone makes my body go stiff.
Investigation? For what? He places his hand on my arm and I see Pierce flinch. "You have large amounts of poison inside of you, arsenic to be exact," I gasp as loud as Pierce does at the doctor's words.
Pierce looks up to the speckled ceiling for a moment, his veins bulging from the way he tenses up. "What?” He snaps, his deep tone bounces off the walls. The doctor still looks calm as Pierce paces back and forth across the small room with large calculated steps, rubbing his hands through his hair.
"Clipboard." Pierce politely gestures to the doctor and to my surprise again, the doctor obeys. He turns to smile at me before handing over the wooden clipboard to a pissed off looking, Pierce.
With every flip of the page, Pierce’s rage seems to dissipate. Not into a calm state, more of an emotionless glare with every word he retains. His hollow voice breaks the thick silence, "I know what's happening," he flatly states and the doctor looks to him. He gently places his arm on the doctor again. "You have told her everything you need to, please come back later to run the rest of her test. Don't call the cops and tell everyone it was the flu," he calmly says. The doctor nods with another bright smile before exiting the room.
Silence fills the small space as I try to figure out just what else is going on in my life. Pierce is staring off onto a blank white cement wall, a tortured expression resides in his eyes as he turns to me, still not speaking.
After a long torturous moment, his deep voice rips through the quiet room. "Preta’s not dead," he snarls, the words send a cold chill through me. "He's not dead. I didn't kill him, Scar."
The metal rails of the hospital bed rattle from my shaking limbs. "You killed him." I cry.
This is the first time I've ever seen the calm and collected Pierce take on a panicked edge. "This is a new angle. I... I must have just killed that man. The demon left his body. I should have never left you!" he roars, smashing the clipboard against the hard wall. The wood splinters and cracks in half, colliding with the ground. We both watch the papers float down to the floor.
He makes his way to me in two long strides. Placing both hands on either side of me as he hovers above. "Scarlett, look at me," he demands through clenched teeth. "I'm so sorry, I thought you would be better off.” His tone is drenched in regret and worry.
"How did he poison me?" I ask quietly, not wanting anyone to hear, even though we are in a private room.
Pierce lets out a long sigh, "I'm not sure. When did you begin to feel sick?" he asks as he searches my eyes for the answer.
"When you left," I admit.
His head ducks lower and I feel his hair tickle my forehead. He audibly winces, "More specifically."
"I'm not sure, every time I ate, I would throw up. The only things I kept down were foods that Liv made for me." Realization floods through me. "We ordered a ton of food to the house, all kinds of different places. Do you think... the delivery guy?" I wonder.
He nods, "It's possible. Did Zack give you any food?" His accusing tone makes me feel the need to defend my friend, he's been so sweet to me.
"Don't Pierce." I hold up a shaking hand. "I know you don't like him, but he would never hurt me," I say confidently. "Besides, he was just in the room. Did you see the blackness or whatever around him?"
"No, but-"
"But nothing," I reply, changing the subject to the issue at hand which is definitely not Zack. "I got sick tonight after the party; do you think he’s watching me? Oh my, God, was he following me and Liv around? We’ve been alone for days!" I squeal and he grabs my hand tighter. "Zack just stayed with us last night, he could have been hurt. They both could have been hurt. What if they would have eaten the food intended for me?" My thoughts are muffled, and my breathing is ragged.
"She’s okay," he assures me, and I look up at him.
"She's home alone, Pierce," I say through my teeth.
He rubs his hand over my cheek. "I just checked on her, she's still asleep. I didn't walk in her room, but I heard her snoring from the hallway." He laughs and my breathing begins to soften.
"How did you know I was here?" I quietly ask.
He looks down to our tangled hands. "I... we can talk about that later," he says, changing the subject. "The paperwork says you have to stay for eight hours."
I slump on the uncomfortable bed. "I want to go home!" I groan.
"I know baby, but you need the fluids and monitoring." He stands up and walks away from me.
I grab his arm before he gets too far. "Don't leave, why are you leaving me again?" I nearly cry.
He turns his head to look at me. "I'm never leaving you again, I will always be with you now," he states with conviction in his tone. “I was just going to get your phone and call your mom."
Panic floods through me, once again. I want to get off this roller-coaster of emotions, when will it end? "Please don't," I beg.