Page 105 of Race to Me
“Dude we don’t have time for this shit.”
I slide my finger to answer the call, “What’s up?”
“Race tonight.” Callum replies.
“No can do.”
“You sure? It’s twenty grand.”
Shit. “What time?”
“Seven. That’s when the eye will be closest. It’s going to be a wild fucking race.”
Hurricane coming. “Why is it so fucking early?”
“Just when the storm is falling in, but it’ll be dark, so cops shouldn’t see us too much.”
Freckles’s recital starts at seven. “Won’t work.”
“Twenty Grand, Ghost.”
“I know.” I hang up the phone before I do something stupid.
“What was that about?” Brett asks, his smirking grin nearly making me punch him in the face. He’s waiting for me to fuck up with Skyler, I just know it.
“Let’s just get this done.” I sneer, annoyed that I’m even considering racing. I’m even more annoyed that I’m about to dance with the guy who I know wants my girl.
Twenty fucking grand, though.
brett pov
Why am I doing this to myself?
“Let’s get started.” I say with a tight smile.
Foster’s hand intertwines with mine, and the breath nearly ceases to escape my lungs.
“Am I doing okay?” he asks, clearly uncomfortable with my movements.
“Your problem is leading. You have to take control of the steps. I know you’re not a dancer, but the man takes the lead.” I tell him.
“Trust me, she’s used to letting me take the lead.” An arrogant smirk rises on his face.
I internally cringe hearing him talk that way about Skyler. “Here, just follow me. I’ll be what you need to be,” I tell him, showing him the routine from the leads side.
And in twenty minutes, he’s got the dance down perfectly. Of course he does.
“Thank you for doing this,” he admits, flipping his dark hair to sit above his brow line.
I can’t believe he called me tonight, but the words linger in my mind.Desperate. ‘You know I wouldn’t call you if I weren’t desperate.’
The same moment that a bolt of powerful lightning cracks, Foster’s phone rings again.
He takes another call, and this time, his face goes white. He sends me an apologetic look after hanging up.
“Don’t you fucking dare do this to her.” I threaten.
“I have ... I have to go.”