Page 16 of Race to Me
I don’t know why I’m so mad; I literally don’t know him. What Idoknow is that he can’t tell me what to do.
I yank out my phone.
Me: ‘I’ll pick you up after my game tomorrow. We’re going to Bike Night.’
Kate: ‘That’s my girl.’
The stadium lights beam onto the lush green football field. Illuminating the crowded grandstands. I didn’t think I would be this nervous, but everything is just so much bigger than my old school. The bleachers are packed, and the crowd is already roaring, excited for the game.
The players rush out from behind the sign, ripping open the hours me and the other cheerleaders spent painting the school’s mascot on the giant banner. Our pom poms rustle in our hands when they run through the field.
Brett gives me his all-American smile as he runs by. A few of the girls giggle when he waves.
We start our routine, and the crowd goes wild while the guys make play after play. I find myself searching the stands for Foster, but it’s wishful thinking. I don’t think he would be caught dead here. Besides, his rude girlfriend made it very clear that he’s taken, and the longer I think about my wonderful encounter with her, the more my blood boils.
Lifting my mood is Kate, who’s sitting in the front row. She mocks me playfully as I belt out cheer after cheer; she knows I don’t want to be here, but she also hears me talk about how much I love cheering in front of other people. It’s exhausting to always have a smile on your face. To always cheer for someone else when you wish, for once, someone would cheer for you.
I robotically repeat the spirited chants that I memorized during practice and before I know it, the game is over. Brett comes rushing to me, wrapping me in his arms after a big win. “You’re my good luck charm.”
With his helmet in his hands, he places a sweaty kiss on my cheek. “Ew!” I laugh, pushing him off me. “Good game, Brett.”
“Picture!” Kate yells, rushing onto the field. “We need to document this.”
Brett slings his arm over me, his helmet slack in his hands. I stand on my tip toes and plaster on a smile big enough to match his. She snaps a few pics, one in which he kisses my cheek again.
Kate checks the time and slides her phone back into her pocket. “Okay, we’ve got to go.”
Brett throws his arms over each of our shoulders. His uniform is hard and hurts against my side. “You ladies coming to the frat to celebrate?” he asks, obviously surprised.
I grin, completely forgetting about his parties after a winning game. “Uh—”
“Nope, honorary girls’ night.” Kate chimes in, saving the day. I have an inkling suspicion that Brett knows Foster is at Bike Night, and he would literally force us not to go if he found out.
With a shrug, he gives me one final glance. “Your loss,” As he runs away, he yells out, “I’ll see you guys Monday!”
“Locker room?” I suggest, and Kate nods.
Luckily, the girls clear from the locker rooms quickly to head to the after party. “I brought you a change of clothes.” Kate tells me from the other side of the shower. It’s going to be tricky getting out and her not seeing my ribs.
I quickly lather the shampoo on my scalp. “It’s fine; I’ve got my own clothes.”
Her laugh booms through the desolate locker room. “No, you’ve got preppy Crestview clothes.”
I throw my head back, letting the water drench my hair. “That doesn’t even make sense Kate. We wore uniforms.”
My freshly-ironed cardigan and skirt magically fly over the shower curtain, landing in a heap at my feet and quickly turning into a soaked mess. “Whoopsies!” Kate giggles.
“You bitch!” I yell, but I laugh too. I guess a change of pace will be good. Hopefully, it’s not something too revealing.
“Nope. I’m not wearing this.”
Kate hunches her shoulders over as I look at my reflection in the all too familiar bathroom mirror.
“You are fucking hot,” she argues. “Own it.”