Page 59 of Crash into me
He outlines my face with his fingertips. “In my world, you keep your personal life separate from your racing life. Of course, you came along and planted yourself in both.” He laughs.
His response makes me curious. “Are you happy I’m in both?”
“Nervous, happy, scared,” he admits.
He shrugs. “Things can go wrong. That’s why I live with the crew. We’re always there. It’s safe, away from those we love. I don’t even like being here …” he says, looking around, “longer than I have to be.”
“Are all of these bet keepers really that dangerous?”
He simply nods, rubbing his palm on my cheek. “More than you can imagine.”
A flash of lightning illuminates his face, followed by a growling boom of thunder.
The pitter patter of little feet sounds afterwards, and the door opens a few seconds later. “Bubba,” a little voice cries as she crawls into the bed between us. “I figured you were …” Her lips quivers. “Scared.”
He wraps his arm around her. “I was terrified,” he lies.
She visibly calms, tightening her arms around her blood-stained bear. “You okay, Freckles?” That wasn’t Foster, that was Sophie.
She wants to be just like him, and it’s adorable. “Yeah.” I smile. “I’m okay.” Visions of red squeaky noses flash behind my eyes, and I snuggle a little closer to them.
Foster has his arms splayed out over us; the serious conversation is over for tonight. Now, it’s time to breathe for a moment.
It isn’t long before Foster is out, lightly snoring. His guard is down, his usually tensed muscles relaxed. He looks more youthful, more carefree. I want to see more of that; he deserves it.
Sophie turns towards me, nuzzling her head against my arm. “Skyler?” she whispers.
She pats my cheek. “Thank you for saving me.”
I don’t know how much she knows, but I doubt it’s a lot. I just pull her close, listening to her strong heart beating as we fall asleep.
The moment the bell chimes, it’s music to my ears. I’m so thankful to be back. Last weekend was horrible, and I feel so bad for Foster, but he’s healing and trying to move forward.
Brett rushes towards me, wearing his letterman. “I’m so happy you’re here!” He picks me up, twirling me around.
“Me too.” I grin, linking my arm through Kate’s when she gets to us.
“Where to first?” he asks, taking my schedule.
“Calculus.” I sigh, but really, I would take calculus for the rest of my life if it meant these two would be near me.
Junior year, here we come!
When I first started going here, there was a clear path laid out for me. My father’s an accountant, and I was to follow in his path and take on high-profile clients to keep the wealth within the family.
Then, when I rebelled his plan was to let me finish college just for show and to marry Warren … his plan failed.
Now, my path is a winding open road. A million forks going every which way that showcase just how many choices I have in this life.
I have no idea which direction I’m going to go, and I’m fine with that.
I’m letting go of the life I thought I was going to live and dancing into my new life. With new opportunities and room for error. My main focus isn’t grades, or even my major. It’s happiness.