Page 64 of Crash into me
“Who’s ready to get fucked up?” Brett hollers, looking one hundred percent like a frat boy. I rush up to hug him, raising my hand playfully.
We shuffle into the crowded club, with fog shadows across the floor hugging our feet. Girls in cages dance to the rhythmic music. “What is that?” I gesture to the bar where a drink spills with fog. “I want one.”
Me and Foster head to the bar, and I gesture to the man’s drink as the bartender greets us. “A cloud.” He winks, pulling out his shaker. “Flavor?”
Foster leans in. “Don’t say fucking pistachio,” he teases.
“That would be disgusting in a drink.” I pucker.
He side-eyes me. “It would be disgusting in ice cream.”
The bartender is waiting patiently as I’m drawn back to reality. “Umm, do you have blue raspberry?” I ask, and he nods.
Moments later he sets down the peculiar martini glass, brimming with clouds that sink down onto the bar top. “Can I have another?” Kate will love this.
* * *
“Oh my God!”she squeals. “It looks like what they drink in heaven!”
“Right!” I take a sip. “It taste like it too.”
Foster looks over to Ryder. “Yup, we’re going to have to carry them out of here.”
Warren squeezes in beside me. “This place is packed.”
The dance floor is to our left, brimming with people. The entire club is really.
“VIP section?” Brett offers.
Warren looks at him and smiles. “I’m paying.”
He pays for too much, but I’m not going to stop them. I want a little room to move. We seek out a bottle girl, who leads us to our VIP room with a bottle of champagne that has a firework sparking out of it. This whole club screams Miami, and it’s extra as hell.
We’re right in the action, but with room to breathe. “This was the move.” I grin, thanking Warren.
Foster leans into the soft black couch and pulls me in beside him. He tilts his head. “I can’t wait to have you out there.” He gestures to the crowd of dancing people. “Dancing on me.”
Nerves settle in; I’ve never danced like that. Not with a guy. With Kate, obviously, but it’s different. I worry if I’ll be good, but I am a dancer. Liquid courage is what I need. The bottle girl takes the two sparklers from the cork and hands one to me and one to Kate.
She’s a striking beauty, telling us her name is Giselle. A subtle Italian accent seeps into her tone. “Anything you need, and I’ll be here!” She dances on her feet, exiting the room.
“This is sick as fuck,” Ryder chimes, looking around the room.
We all grab shots from the table, downing them. “Who’s ready to dance?” Kate sings, swaying her hips.
The dance floor is flooded with people, the DJ playing music that makes the atmosphere pumped. Neon lights sway around, slicing through the crowd and dancing on the cathedral ceilings.
A puff of cool fog pours over us, and I lean my back against Foster. His hands slide up and down my body as we get lost to the music. His lips are on my neck, and I bring my hands back to run them through his hair.
He’s like a drug, intoxicating me. His touch, his smell, his mere presence is what grounds me to earth and what makes me feel free.
A faster song comes on, and I throw out all insecurities as I twerk against him. I’m bent over, with Kate near me. I laugh and dance, having the time of my life.
Foster places his hand on my stomach, bringing me flush against him. “You’re about to get fucked,” he growls into my ear, pulling my ass against his hardened cock.
“Oh,” I breathe. “Here?”
He laughs into my ear, looking around. “No, can’t risk it.” He grits his teeth. “But God, you’re so beautiful.”