Page 91 of Crash into me
Kate nods, holding hers up. “Seriously, nothing is better after a day of swimming.”
“Bullshit.” Foster shakes his head, showcasing his PB&J. “Thisis the perfect beach day food.” He bites in and a crunch sounds.
“Is there sand in it?” I ask.
“Potato chips.” He grins.
My face cringes. “Eww.”
“Talking shit, I see.” Foster stands up, peering down at me.
I can’t help but look at him and admire his muscles. “It’s a dumb sandwich.”
“You’re a dumb sandwich.” He takes the last bite of the monstrosity and scoops me up.
“My hotdog!” I yell as he tosses me over his shoulder.
He throws me into the waves, diving in after me. I watch his hair float around his head as he swims. The saltwater burns my eyes, but looking at him makes me fall in love all over again.
His arms stretch around me, shooting us up from the depths of the ocean and out into the world.
I don’t know how he could have ever believed I didn’t remember him; he is my world, my breath, my life.
And the way I look at him gives it all away.
We will defeat whatever comes before us together.
We return to our friends, dancing around the fire.
The embers rise as the sun dips below for sleep.
“Okay, study time,” I whisper to myself. We’re at the dorms, with Kate and Ryder passed out in her bed and Foster asleep in mine.
He refused to stay the night without me and asked me to study at his place, saying he can’t sleep when I’m not there. But it’s too loud there; I can’t think.
I use the lamp from my nightstand to study for the fine arts test I have tomorrow. It’s unlike me to be up this late the night before school cramming in shit I should have known weeks ago, but I decided when I returned to my life that I would give myself a healthy balance of living. I may just need to teeter back to a little more homework, though.
I have one hundred cards, and I put away the sixty that I got correct.You can do this, I think to myself, yawning
Foster begins to rustle in his sleep, and I place my hand on his chest. He calms, wrapping his fingers around mine. I guess this is why he wanted to stay.
I look to his sleeping frame, all hard edges and swirls of blank ink. He looks so comfy, and I would be so comfy if I was wrapped in his arms right now.
No! Stop it. Only forty cards to go.I have to move away from him. I slip the stupid shark he won me under his arm and sneak onto the floor. I do have to admit, though, that shark is my favorite, and he sprayed it with his cologne, which makes it even better.
An hour later, my eyes are burning from barely blinking, but I’m done. I lift my arms to stretch, and something touches my leg.
I look down, noting a manilla folder being slid underneath the door. I don’t touch it until footsteps retreat.
My names scribbled on the front.
I begin to wonder if the RAs have discovered we have boys in our room overnight, but my worries transfer to fear as my eyes scan the photos inside.
Me, with no clothes on, riding Foster in the VIP room of Premiere.
A dozen pictures, all more scandalous and nausea inducing than the last.