Page 11 of Fall onto me
Why isn’t he answering the phone?
I stumble into the swarming crowd of people, trying to decipher where I was moments ago at the bar.
Alcohol has me a little disoriented to my surroundings.
When Brett and Kate mentioned going out, I didn’t know we’d be in the middle of a nightclub on a school night, and I certainly didn’t think I’d be this drunk.
Four sex on the beaches and two shots of tequila in means Skyler can barely function.
A rush of red hair captures my attention. “Kate!” I sing, dancing to her on wobbly legs.
She lets out a wild laugh, moving her body like a drunken noodle. “This is my jam!”
Lights pulsate around us, along with the music and its electric buzz bringing life into the world. I love ballet, it’s all fluid movement and graceful poses, but this? The way me and Kate are dancing right now is nothing like that; we’re clumsy and drunk and living.
“Where’s Bre—” I don’t have to finish my question as he does the sprinkler coming our way. I shield my face in embarrassment. “Pretend like you don’t know him,” I tell Kate.
“Oh, come on.” Brett feigns shock. “These moves are so much better than yours.” When he dips into a twerking pose is when we all lose it, falling into a fit of laughter.
“Shots?” Kate slurs.
I need to tell her that I can’t drink another drop, but then ‘Bye, bye, bye’ comes on and the club goes fucking insane.Wego insane.
My phone rings, and it’s Foster. Having too much fun and wanting to make him wait like he made me, I slip it back into my pocket. On the chorus, we sing our hearts out, dancing to moves that we’ve only seen in old music videos.
Once I feel like a substantial amount of time has passed, when the song is finished, is when I answer.
It’s his fourth call in a row. “Babe?”
“Heyyyy!” I slip into a quiet bathroom after escaping the dance floor.
He breathes out, like he’s relaxing. It makes me feel bad, because for a moment I forgot everything going on. I didn’t for one second, in my drunken state think: ‘Oh, maybe the Keeper found him and now he’s in the middle of the ocean.’ My selfish brain could only think my boyfriend is ignoring me.
I cringe from my actions, softening my voice. “Sorry,” I squeak.
“You have to answer.”
“So do youuu.” The attempts at making my voice sound sober while I sway fail.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, we’re goooood,” I drone.
He laughs. “And you’re drunk. Where you at?”
“The club on Main.” I smile, wondering if he’s coming. “But it’s the threes night, no boooyfriends allowed!”
I can see him now, a playful eyeroll, arms crossed if he’s sitting in his room with the speaker on or hands on the wheel, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel if he’s driving. “How do you plan on getting home?” he asks.
“I haven’t thought that far ahead,” I admit. “We’re not far from campus, maybe like a ten-minute walk.”
He scoffs, “Let me know when you’re ready to leave and I’ll pick everyone up.”
* * *
An hour later,we’re ready. And for some reason since we knew our night out was ending, we thought it wise to drink like fucking fishes.