Page 30 of Fall onto me
“Oh shit, Brett’s party.” I laugh.
“Were you going without me?” Foster asks.
“Yeah.” I kiss his cheek. “It was another part of my revenge plan, to have you see me all cute here and then to go take pictures at a party at Warren and Brett’s.”
“You’re just cruising for a punishment, aren’t you Shadow?”
“Maybe,” I flirt, catching the leather collar of his jacket between my fingers. “Let’s go!”
* * *
We droppedmy bike off at Foster’s place, trading it for his car. Kate and Ryder rode with the rest of the crew to Brett’s, but we needed a moment to talk. There’s something that’s been on my mind since our fight.
“So, what were they?” I ask at a red light. I’m sitting in the middle seat; Foster’s hand is tucked underneath my thigh.
“What was what?” he asks, confused.
“Whatever you stole from that house.”
He nods. “I still have them; they go back tomorrow.” He opens the glove compartment and gestures inside. “It’s their medical records, birth certificates, a folder of everything, along with their tax documents.”
The names listed on the paperwork are Liam and Gabriella Prater. A rich couple, no children, young. I skim through the words, landing near a familiar signature. “Yeah, and look whose name is on the bottom.” There, signed on the dotted fucking line, is none other than a haunting signature: Kent Johnson. “My father.”
Foster slowly dips his head towards me. “It makes sense. I mean, your dad does the taxes of every crooked person in this city. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Keeper wants these to frame the people that hire him.”
“Do you think Kent’s the Keeper?” I can’t bring myself to call him my dad anymore.
He grips the steering wheel tighter. “I don’t know.” I make a mental note to add this to my ever-growing web.
“When will you know your next job?”
He hesitates to answer, “I’m on it right now.”
“I was going to tell you before we got there.”
“We’re not going to Brett’s party?”
“That’s exactly where we’re going.”
It sinks in fast. “What does he want from Brett?”
“Nothing, my mission is for Laurene Hollingsworth.”
Warren’s mom. “She’s out of town, that’s why we’re having the party.”
“I know. He wants a copy of the business paperwork from the country club.”
I feel like a detective that lacks the skills to solve anything. “Why is the Keeper wanting paperwork from rich people?”
He shrugs. “Probably to use as blackmail. I don’t know.”
“Well, we can’t give them to him.”
Foster’s hand traps mine. “We don’t have a choice.”
I mull through my thoughts, trying to find the information, but nothing good comes up. Since Warren’s parents split up, Laurene took over the country club. Their house is on the property, and the guys are temporarily living there to help her with the divorce.