Page 47 of Fall onto me
“I see it in your eyes, thinking you can snitch on me to goody-too-shoes Barnes. Don’t. If he catches wind of this, I’ll put your girl in here.” He looks around. “And no one will hear her scream when I fuck her.”
I lunge towards him, but he pulls out a baton and hits me upside the head with it. I fall with a thud onto the cold concrete. He squats down, leaning over me. “Beat him within an inch of his life.”
I groan, attempting to shake my head. The ground is cold, too cold against my cheek. I try to stand but he plants his boot into my lower back. “I would think twice about your next move.”
“I won’t do shit.” And he knows it. Everyone fucking knows it; this is why it’s too dangerous having Sky in my life. For both me and her. “I’m not going to hurt anyone.”
Lenardo straightens up and puts his weapon away. “So, I have confirmation that you’ll be completing your job?” he asks, reaching towards his belt.
This is a dangerous ledge I’m dangling on. Violence wasn’t in my description, I told him this. And beating up one man may not seem like much, but it’s just a gateway into what I will eventually have to do. “What will I get from it?”
“Depending on the charge you get from the assault on your cellmate, you could be in here for a month or so, but your drug charges will be gone.” He pulls a few papers from his pocket, unfolds them, and hands it to me. Records showing where that crew had fixed the old man’s cabinets after water damage. Cleaning crew cleaned the cabin before we came in. “We also have video evidence from the dock of you and Skyler boarding as they left, with only a picnic basket and nothing from weeks of surveillance pinpointing you near that vessel. These will be on the DA’s desk tomorrow if you do it.”
“Why won’t he just talk?” I ask myself out loud. This seems much more dangerous.
“The idiot wrecked his own car to be here.”
‘Seriously?” I can understand the desperation to hide from the Keeper, I get it. But I need to act like I don’t.
“Did he say anything to you, about where his family is?” he asks.
I sneer, “I’m nothing like you, so don’t even fucking ask me that. I will never sell out someone’s family and hand it to you fucks.” He’s hiding them out, smart. If he thinks I would tell them they’re with family down south, he’s got it fucking wrong.
“Understood.” Lenord nods. “So, are we good?”
There are consequences for this; I feel them in my bones. “So, will that nice old man that we rented from go here instead of me? For drugs you fucks planted?”
The officer slams his fist against the rusted bed. “You or him, Ghost. You or fucking him.”
* * *
I stagger backinto my cell and climb onto the top bunk. It’s nighttime. The tiny sliver of window is casting a glow from the moon, while the rest of the jail is dark and gloomy.
“Goodnight, Jennings,” Santiago says, ruffling in his comforter.
I can’t do this.
But if I don’t … he’ll go for Skyler.
I wasn’t smart enough to hide my entire family away, I couldn’t if I wanted to. Santiago was smart, but now he’s going to pay the price.Fuck.
I shake my hands out, trying to find a reason to hate him, a reason to get off this bed and beat the ever-loving fuck out of this man, but I don’t find one excuse that will help me sleep better at night, aside from my girls being safe.
Which is enough; it will always be enough.
Before I can think any longer, I listen to the silence, to the guard making his last round. I’ll have thirty minutes before they go again.
I see Lenardo give a brief nod as he passes, and when I no longer hear his boots, I pounce.
Jumping down onto the concrete, I climb onto his bed and begin pummeling my fist over the comforter. I can’t bring myself to hit his face, but to make it look better, I’m going to have to.
“He… Help!” he cries out as he brings his hands to cover his face. But no one is coming.
I land one good jab on his lip, enough to draw blood but not break any teeth.
“You’re …” He shivers, looking at me with wide eyes. “You’re one of them. Oh God.” His eyes glisten. “I told you where my family is. Please, please.”
He’s begging me for his life, and it tears me apart inside.