Page 56 of Fall onto me
We walk out on stage in a line and bow as Grace reads our names.
Wes whispers to me, “Nothing scares me more than public speaking. Stage fright is my enemy.”
“Then why did you offer?” I ask in surprise.
“I would do anything for you, Skyler. I’ll always be here for you and Foster. You’re my chosen family.” He pulls me in for a hug, and I worry as the tears fall that I’m going to crack his rib from the way I squeeze my arms around him.
The song begins and we do our dance. While simple, it’s powerful. The lights, the hushed crowd, it all feels like the world stops spinning to allow us a moment to take charge.
Before I know it, the audience is giving applause. We attempt to not laugh as we bow, but before we can reach the shadow of the side-stage, I snort.
* * *
I wipeaway tears as Grace joins us behind the curtain, bouncing on her heels. “Amazing job, everyone!”
She sneaks a few glances at Wes, nervously looking away each time. “Thank you for tonight.”
On the way home, we pass the glimmer of lights and decorations the city of Miami put up around town. Wes even turns on a channel that’s playing ‘Jingle Bells’.
I sing along with him because I’ll feel guilty if I don’t. While Christmas is my favorite holiday, I’m not getting in the spirit.
He pulls up in front of Adeline’s apartment. “Merry Christmas, Skyler.”
“Merry Christmas, Wesley.” I sing, like Grace did.
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Call if you need me. I mean it.”
Idon’t want to get up and play Santa. I want Foster to be here. To watch Sophie open up her new toys and books. I want him to see the smile on her face, because pictures won’t do it justice.
It’s five in the morning. She shouldn’t be up for another two hours, which means I need to get a move on to have breakfast ready.
Adeline wanted to be here, but her job is demanding, and Sophie understands that, but I’m sure it makes her sad. Adeline compromised with them; she works this Christmas and Thanksgiving, so she’s off for the next.
I pull myself out of bed while it’s still pitch-black outside, knowing if it weren’t for Soph, I would sulk under the calm façade of the comforter all day. I grab a few boxes from the closet, ones that I already wrapped, and head down the hallway.
It’s so dark, but I worry if I turn on any lights, she will catch me.
I walk towards the tree. All the air leaves my lungs at the sight of the shadowed figure leaning beside it. I don’t know how many more there are, and all of my senses become hyper alert. I can hear the sounds of footsteps crunching around me.
A younger, more naïve side of me would think it’s Santa coming with a Christmas miracle, but this is sinister.
I tiptoe back to the bedroom and set the presents on the bed before pulling the knife from under my pillow.
A creak sounds in the hall, and I tense. But this isn’t a time to sink within myself, it’s a time to fight.
I pull the knife in front of me, ready to strike, but I’m stopped when a set of hands clamps around my mouth and hands.
“Don’t fight me, Shadow.”
It’s Foster. I fall to my knees at the sound of his voice. He holds me up just enough to gently set me down on the carpet before pulling the knife away. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I didn’t know you were here.”
“Where else would I be?” I sob, trying not to be loud.
“Grandma working?”
I nod, but I’m not sure he can even see it. With a push off the ground, I stand and clutch his hand to lead him down the hall.