Page 24 of Taken By Sin
The dress Sin chose—while ridiculous for a mere dinner at home—is exquisite in taste. Floor-length and flowing, a deep emerald color.
Bria helped with my hair, curling it with a large wand that made my long black hair have volume. It cascades in timeless waves over my shoulders. Now, she’s finishing up my makeup.
“How was shopping?” I ask her.
She pauses for a moment, spraying something fruity on my hair. “It was great! I got a new bag and shoes.”
I don’t want to judge her, at all. She’s been nothing but kind, but doesn’t she get bored shopping? Her room is full of shoes. I can’t imagine having access to just do anything I want, but if I did have endless money, I don’t even know what I would do with it.
Take trips?
Go shopping with Bria?
Open a bookstore?
“All done!” she beams.
“Do you all do this often?” I wonder.
“Ridiculous dinners?” She laughs. “Every week that Sin is in town. It’s where we discuss family business."
Will I get to learn a little more about him tonight?
Hopefully I do before I begin my discussion.
Let’s hope he’s ready to talk.
The dining room has been utterly transformed.
Much is the same, like the stunning charcoal table that seats ten. The walls feature a combination of cream and exposed brick, resembling an artistic explosion; it’s such a beautiful room.
But I don’t miss the way everything is now draped in emerald instead of red, matching the dress he chose for me. The floral arrangements on the table, the curtains, even the plates are various shades of sage and olive.
The lit fireplace releases a comforting scent of burnt cedar that reminds me of autumn. The flames dance as I pass by. I try not to let the fluttering of my heart go to out of control when I see Sin.
Sitting at the head of the table looking like raw power and energy, he’s wearing a black suit, as per usual, but tonight his obsidian hair is slicked back.
Axel sits alert beside him, appearing less like the playfulpuppy he is with me and more like a protective guard dog. “Come sit," Sin beckons, extending his arm to gesture towards the chair next to him.
No one else has arrived, and my determination wavers under Sin's gaze.
“You look fascinating,” he says in a low growl.
I sit beside him and pat Axle’s head. “This is insane,” I laugh, trying to break the heavy tension in the room.
His head tilts in amusement, “What?” Sin fans his arms around the room. “This? It’s nothing. Family dinners are important to me.”
“Why am I invited?”
Sin gives me an incredulous look as Bria enters the room. “I’m here!” she sings. “Oh, it looks so good in here.” Her fingertips graze the fresh eucalyptus that wraps down the table.
“You’re a part of us now,” Sin finally says. “You need to be aware of things. Especially since my sister is trying to make you like her.”
Bria pops down into the chair beside me, still looking elegant while doing so. That’s what money will do for you; being raised like this gives you a different gait than the rest of the world. “What’s so wrong with being like me?” she asks, grabbing a slice of cheese from an appetizer plate.
“Everything,” he sighs dramatically, elbows on the table and hands stretched outright. “But most of all the way you parade around the city without your detail.”