Page 34 of Taken By Sin
“Would I get anything else?” he laughs. “Sin sends hisregards; he’s had a matter he has to deal with, but he’ll be back this afternoon.”
I try to hide my frown. It is ridiculous the number of emotions that Sin evokes in me. “Ready to go shopping?”
“Yes.” Max stands, stretching out his arms. “I heard we’re getting a thousand books.” He scratches between Axel’s ears.
“It feels like it.” I smile wide. “But I would never do that. I’m thinking ten would be more than enough!”
The morning crowd at Alice in Brewland is entirely different than our trip here last night.
Students study, reading textbooks and tapping away on their laptops. A quiet hum is lending way to a more relaxed atmosphere. Not that it was wild at night, but it was more of a social gathering.
It’s very low-key this early in the day, and I’m enjoying the vibes. I slip past the coffee bar, the latte I already had mixed with my excitement leading to a very hyper Magnolia.
I quietly ascend the stairs to the library, feeling a wave of relief as I see it’s even quieter here than downstairs. That will soon change when the city awakens with a dose of caffeine on their minds. For now, I still have ample time to browse for a few books.
My fingertips graze the spines of no less than five spines when I receivea text.
Sin: Pick out everything you want. Buy the entire store for all I care, and don’t feel bad for it.
Magnolia: I’m going to feel bad for it, Sin, it’s your money.
Sin: You live in the Donati household.
Magnolia: Still…
The three little dots pop up to indicate he’s typing; they go away and return.
Sin: Do as I say.
I send him back an emoji, a cute little face with closed eyes and its tongue out. I get the feeling Sin doesn’t send or receive emojis, so I giggle as it notifies me that it’s been read.
Sin: One hundred books. As many more and no less.
I tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jeans, smiling as I start my search.
This is the kind of place where you pick out one or two and return to your small New York City apartment. It’s not the sort of place where you fill a cart. That’s why it’s amusing to watch as Max descends the steps, arms full of books, only to return for more.
“You know I can help, right?” I tell him.
He shakes his head. “Youarehelping, by picking out these books. If you don’t have the bookshelves filled, it won’t be you he’s mad at.”
There’s a trickle of fear in his tone. “Are you scared of him?” I ask.
“When it comes to you? Yes,” he replies, grabbing the next stack and heading down.
I have already chosen fifty books. More than enough to last me a very long time, but Sin said one hundred. I slip over to the beautiful classics collection, going googly-eyed over the special editions of Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, Emma.
I could grab these. I wouldn’t want Sin mad at Max.
Maybe just a few, I tell myself as Max returns and I pile copy after copy of gorgeous leatherbound classics in his arms.
I’m ravenous.
A woman walks up the steps behind him. “So, you’re the one who is clearing us out?” The woman smiles. She’s around my age, with blonde hair and thick-rimmed glasses that accentuate her high cheekbones.
I grin, blushing. “Yes, and I’m about to take everything on this table. If that is okay?”
The girl claps and giggles, “My favorite collection! I’m so happy someone else is going for them.” She extends her hand to me. “I’m Violet!”