Page 43 of Taken By Sin
I bite my lip, not wanting things to go too quickly. “Thank you,” I reply simply. “I will consider sleeping in here tonight, then,” I tease.
With a quick flourish, Sin tosses the comforter on the floor and climbs on top of me, tickling my sides until I’m a fit of laughter. “If I find you in the guest bed,”—I don’t miss the way he calls my room the guest room now, or how his hands grip my sides as he finishes tickling me—“I will carry you back into our bed.”Our.
“So what are you doing today that’s going to keep you out so late?” I ask, wanting to change the subject to attempt and calm my heaving chest.
As he tosses his head back, I take a good look at him. The way the stretch accentuates his neck, his sleepy hair a mess atop his head. “Meetings all day, and then I need to swing by the club.”
“Oh,” I say quietly, concerned that when he visits his sex club, he might partake. But it’s not like I lay any claim to him. He can do whatever he wants.
With an amused look he steps out of bed, wearing only a pair of fitted black boxers. “You know I mean the dance club, right?”
I cough, “Yes, of course. Can I come?” I grin.
He shakes his head quickly. “Maybe another time.”
But okay.
“I’ll meet you downstairs for coffee and to say goodbye.” He looks at the watch on his wrist. “Jumping in the shower, wanna join?”
A blush heats my cheeks. “Maybe later?”
I stretch my limbs, reaching to the nightstand to check my phone. Surprisingly, there’s a text from an unknown number.
Unkown: The position is yours. I cannot wait to work with you!!! – V
Magnolia: Seriously! Eek. Best news ever.
I rush to the bathroom, checking him out through the steam. He’s so perfect… No, Magnolia! Get it together.
“I got a job!” I squeal.
Victoria: Want to start tomorrow? I’ll send you all the details later, okay?
Magnolia: Sounds perfect, Yes! Thank you!
He turns to me, rubbing shampoo into his raven hair. “Why?”
“Because I wanted to.” I pout, wanting his excitement to match mine.
He rinses. “Not for money right? You know you can have anything you want.” I want to jump in that shower with him right this second.
I grab a brush from the counter, taking it through my messy morning waves. “I appreciate that, but I like to make my own way and honestly, I think I’ve found a little piece of what I’m wanting in this world.”
“Where is it?”
I twirl as he watches me through the glass shower door, grinning. “A little coffee shop you probably haven’t heard of it.” I wink.
A nod makes him register why I’m so excited. “Alice in Brewland. I’m happy for you. We’ll celebrate now. Anything you want?”
I beam. “Anything? Don’t you have to work?”
“I’ll push the morning meetings back. Sorry I can’t do dinner, but I think lunch will suffice, will it not?”
I want to toss my arms aroundhim.
Sin looks completely out of place here at Giovanni’s Pizzeria.