Page 28 of Killian
“Stop. You’re just saying things now to make me blush.”
“Me?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Yes, you.” She looked in the side mirror and saw an SUV approaching. “I think Lydia’s here already. She must live close.”
Killian checked the mirror and agreed. He opened his door, stepped out, and started for Celine’s door, but she was already out. She stood beside him as they watched Lydia stop her vehicle beside his truck, step out, and a man also got out.
“Who’s the man?”
“I don’t know. Maybe her husband. I’ve nevermet him.” But he was very good-looking.
“Celine!” Lydia said in surprise, then hugged her.
“Hi, Lydia. This is Killian Doyle; he’s looking for a house to buy. Killian, this is Lydia Griffin.”
“Ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Killian shook her hand.
“You too. This is my husband, Colson.”
The men shook hands and Celine smiled at him.Good-looking? What an understatement.But in her eyes, no man could compare to Killian.
“Let me show you inside. This house is just gorgeous. The pictures don’t do it justice.” Lydia walked onto the porch, opened the lockbox with a code, then removed the key to the house.
After pushing the door open, everyone entered. Celine gasped at the beauty of the house.
“Oh, my. It is just perfect. It reminds me of cabins I saw in Gatlinburg, Tennessee when I visited there. I wanted to stay in one but they were all booked.”
“Let’s take a walk through,” Lydia said.
“I want it,” Killian blurted out, making everyone laugh.
“I’ve only had one other person tell me that before buying a home. He said why look at others when he knew that place was the one.” Lydia smiled.
“Sounds like a smart man.” Killian grinned.
“He’s a very nice man. He’s a sheriff’s deputy.”
“Can you tell me who? I’ve met a few of the deputies.”
“Yes, it was Nevada Shelton.”
Killian grinned. “I know Nevada. He’s a formerlivestock agent. Though I never worked with him, I was introduced to him by another agent, Creed McBride.”
“We know Creed. So, you’re a livestock agent, Mr. Doyle.” Lydia smiled.
“Please, call me Killian, and yes, ma’am, I am.”
“We should still do a walk-through anyway. I’d hate to have you buy it and then find something you didn’t like about it.”
“Okay. I’ll follow you.” Killian took Celine’s hand, then followed Lydia through the house.
“This is a great place,” Colson commented.
“It’s only been on the market a few days, and I’ve had dozens of calls about it. I’ve even showed it several times, but the seller would not budge on the price.”
“What is the price?” Killian asked.
“Just under a million.”