Page 30 of Killian
Celine chuckled. “I wondered why you didn’t even bat an eye when she said how much it cost.”
“I knew I had the money. I’d rather not have a mortgage payment. I have my house for sale in Helena. I’ve been back on several weekends, boxing things up. I left it there since I only hadthe apartment to live in. The boxes would just be in the way. I figured I’d get everything once I found a house.”
“That would be nice not having a mortgage payment. You never know when something could happen and you couldn’t make the payments. I know there’s insurance for that but between having a payment and not having one, I’d choose not. And this place is just perfect.”
“Yeah, it is. I hate the thought of moving but once I’m settled in, I can enjoy it. I have to get my horses here too.” He stared at her and smirked. “Well, it looks like I might have to take a few days off once the paperwork is done and get moving my things. Care to help?”
“Not only no, but hell no. I don’t like moving and I’m sure you can get some of your friends to help you.”
“Damn, woman. Not even a little?”
She folded her arms and looked at him. “Not even a teeny tiny bit.”
“But once we finish, we could try out the new bed I’m going to buy.” He grinned.
Celine unfolded her arms. “Well, I could,maybe, carry a box or two.”
Killian chuckled. “That’s fine. Seriously, you don’t have to help. I work with a lot of men and I’m sure some of them would help. You’d probably just be in the way.”
Celine gasped. “That’s not a nice thing to say.”
“You’re right, and I’m sorry, but it’s the truth.” He laughed when she narrowed her eyes at him.
“I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to use reversepsychologyon me.”
“Is it working?”
Killian shook his head. “I had to give it a shot.”
Celine laughed. “I’ll help. Maybe have your friends bring their wives to help too. We could put things away as you and your friends bring things inside. Like in the kitchen and bathrooms.”
“That’s a good idea. I’ll ask the guys.”
“Do you have to bring furniture from Helena?”
“No. I decided to include the furniture with the sale of the house. I’ll just purchase furniture here and have it delivered, but there are still items I need to bring here. It will just be boxes but they can be heavy. I’ll have to make a trip back from Helena pulling a trailer with the horses. I have one at my property.” He glanced at her, then back to the road. “Do you want to go with me?’
“I’d love to.”
“Alright, I’ll check with my boss tomorrow about taking a few days off and let you know when.”
“I’ll have to check with mine too. Celine, can I take a few days off to go to Helena with a hot, sexy livestock agent? Yes, of course.” She looked at Killian and winked, then laughed when he rolled his eyes.
“I can see I’m going to have to keep in mind that you’re a smartass,” he said.
Celine laughed but was very anxious to go to Helena with him.
Chapter Five
Monday morning, Killian entered the office with Kian following as he headed toward Dave’s office. When he got to the door, he knocked and entered when Dave waved him in and stood to greet them.
“Dave, this is my brother, Kian. Kian, Dave Merkle, my boss.”
“Nice to meet you, sir,” Kian said as he shook Dave’s hand.
“You too. Both of you have a seat.” Dave sat back down.