Page 35 of Killian
“For God’s sake, Celine, you knew I was in the house.”
“Shut up.”
Killian chuckled. “Good comeback.”
She laughed as she walked toward him, then wrapped her arms around his waist, and kissed his neck.
“I just thought you were going to take your duffle bag upstairs, so I wasn’t expecting you in the kitchen. Never mind.” She stepped back. “Let me get the plates so we can eat. It smells fantastic. They have the best pizza.”
“I agree. For such a hole-in-the-wall place, it’s great.”
“Let’s sit on the sofa. What would you like to drink?”
“Water’s fine, but I’ll get it. You take the plates and pizza. What would you like to drink?”
“Same. When you bring the drinks, please grab the roll of paper towels. I tend to get a little messy.”
They settled in on the sofa, watched TV andate the pizza. Once they finished, she picked up the box and carried it to the kitchen. Taking the two slices left from the box, she put them in a plastic baggie, then put it in the fridge.
“Have you packed a bag?” Killian asked her when she returned to the sofa.
“Just a small one. We’ll only be overnight right?”
“I hope so. I called my parents to tell them I’d be by Friday morning to get my dogs and horses.” He looked at her. “They’re anxious to meet you.”
“Who? Your dogs and horses or your parents?” She bit her lip to keep from smiling.
“My dogs and horses.” He laughed when she narrowed her eyes. “Of course, my parents, smartass.”
“You told them about me?”
“I mentioned that you would be with me and my mother jumped on that like a dog on a bone.”
“What if she doesn’t like me? Blaine’s mother hated me.”
“Only because she thought you wanted her husband. My mother is nothing like that. She’s a down to earth Irish lass.” He grinned.
“I hope so. What are your parents’ names?”
“Aileen and Connor.”
“I’d like to meet them, but I’m nervous about it.”
“My parents are nothing like your ex’s. I can guarantee that without even knowing them. To me, they don’t sound like good parents. They sure didn’t raise their son right.”
“No, they didn’t. But your parents did raise you right. Will your brother be there too?”
“I think so. He left yesterday to go home. He’stransferring here and has to get the paperwork filled out in Helena. I’m glad he decided to come here. We’ve worked on several cases together.”
“I’m anxious to meet him too.”
“Why? He’s ugly.” Killian laughed.
“He can’t be if you’re twins,” Celine joked.
“Yes, but I told you we don’t look like twins.” He shook his head. “You’ll see. I’m the better looking one.”
Celine laughed. “I’d bet money he’s handsome too.”