Page 43 of Killian
“I’d like to check on the horses and give the dogs a chance to stretch their legs. Is that okay with you?”
“Of course, it is. I’ll probably want to stretch my legs too.”
Killian nodded and slowed down before turning into a driveway.
“How long has your house been on the market?”
“Not long. It’s not showable right now with allthe boxes inside, but there are photos of it on the real estate website before the boxes. I’ve lived in Clifton for about eight months now but wanted to be sure before selling my house.”
He drove until the house came into view and smiled when Celine gasped.
“It’s so beautiful,” she exclaimed.
“I like it. I bought it fifteen years ago, but I don’t need two houses.”
“No, I suppose not. It’s very different from the one you just bought.”
“Yes, this one is a ranch-style house. I had wanted a log home originally, but it didn’t work out. However, I do love this house.”
The dogs started whining from the backseat.
“They must know they’re home,” Celine noted.
“They do. Let’s go inside. Just a warning: it’s a bit of a maze in there.”
“Will there be enough room for all the boxes on our way back?”
“Yes, I’ll try to fit in as many as possible, but I don’t want to overload the truck. I may have to make another trip here to get everything else.”
“Why don’t you hire movers?”
“I could, but I’d still have to come back and let them inside.”
“Maybe Kian could help with that?”
“I’ll check with him, but he’s also moving so he may not have time.” Killian sighed. “It’s not a long trip, but it can be tiring going back and forth. I just want to finish moving and settle in.”
“I completely understand. I hate moving.”
Killian grinned and said, “Yes, you made that clear.”
He opened the back door and the dogsbounded out into the yard.
“They look happy to be home,” Celine observed.
“I’m glad we’re staying here tonight; they can rest before the trip.”
He guided her up the steps, unlocked the door, and they stepped into the kitchen.
“You weren’t kidding about this place being a maze.” Celine chuckled.
“I wish I had already loaded some of these boxes in my other truck. I’ll have to do it tonight.” He sighed, shaking his head at the thought.
“Killian? Why don’t you let me drive your truck back? We can load up both trucks and I’ll follow you.”
“Wait, did you just ask me to let you drive my truck?” he asked incredulously, but couldn’t stop himself from grinning when she glared at him.
“You men and your precious trucks. It’s almost as bad as your obsession with your family jewels.”