Page 46 of Killian
“So, how many horses are in there?”
“Seven,” Killian said, not offering more.
“Where are you girls heading?” Celine asked, emphasizing ‘girls’, and she heard Killian chuckle. She looked at him and winked.
“We’re going to Kalispell.”
“Well, have a safe trip.” Celine took one of the leashes Killian handed her. She stood by the door as he opened it, and she reached in and hooked the leash to Winnie. When the dog jumped from the truck, the two young women stepped back.
“You have a Doberman,” one exclaimed.
“And a Rottweiler,” Killian said.
“Do they bite?”
Before Killian had a chance to say anything, Celine spoke up.
“You never know. They don’t like people messing with their master. Kind of like how a woman doesn’t like another woman flirting with her man.” She grinned when Killian turned away from them and she knew it was because he was hiding his amusement.
Celine continued to stare at them as they glared at her. What was it with some women? They knew she and Killian were together, but it didn’t stop them from flirting with him. Not that she could blame them, but blatantly flirting with him when he had a woman with him wasn’t acceptable. It wasn’t just men who overstepped, women did it too.
She stood watching the women until they finally got the message and walked away. She glanced over at Killian to see him leaning against the trailer with his arms folded, a smirk on his face as he watched her.
“You seemed to have enjoyed that a little too much,” he said.
Celine chuckled. “I did. Do you think they thought you would leave me behind?”
He pushed off the trailer and walked toward her, cupping her face in his hands.
“No worries there.” He kissed her lips. “I’m going to the restroom. We’ll leave when I get back. Are you doing alright with the truck?”
“Yes, your precious truck is perfectly fine,” she replied, shaking her head.
“Phew, I was worried for a second,” he joked.
Celine laughed. “You’re probably not joking.”
He chuckled. “Yes, I am. You can drive my truck anytime. I’ll grab Tank and Cosmo when I get back.” He kissed her again before walkingtoward the building.
“Come on, Winnie. Time for a bathroom break.” She led the dog over to the designated area and waited while Winnie sniffed around before finally doing her business. Then Celine led her back to the truck and saw Killian walking toward her. He was just so handsome. She noticed other women looking at him, but he paid them no mind. He grinned when he caught her watching him. He leaned down and kissed her before opening the back door of the truck to let out the other dogs.
“Do you want me to take one of them?” Celine asked.
“We’ll put Winnie in the truck first, then you can take Cosmo,” Killian suggested.
But when Killian tried to coax Winnie into jumping back into the truck, she pulled at her leash in protest.
“What’s wrong with her?” Celine asked.
“Let’s see if she’ll get into the other truck,” Killian suggested.
Celine opened the back door of the truck and Winnie immediately hopped inside.
“She wants to ride with me,” Celine said with a smile.
Killian shook his head. “I’ve lost my dog,” he mumbled, making Celine laugh.
“Let’s get back on the road. We’re more than halfway so hopefully we won’t have any problems and then we can relax until tomorrow.”