Page 48 of Killian
I have a sleeping bag. I don’t want to sleep in and miss them.
Okay. I understand.
Alright. You can stay with me tomorrow night.
She didn’t seem happy about being apart tonight, but he knew if he stayed at her place and slept in, he’d miss the delivery, and who knew when they’d be able to reschedule.
He continued to drive and sighed with relief when he saw the exit sign for Clifton. Damn, he was glad to be home.
Celine pulled the truck into the driveway of Killian’s new home. She smiled as she looked at it. It was such a picturesque place, and she’d bet it would be gorgeous in the winter with snow.
She hated the idea of not being with him tonight, but she knew what he meant by sleeping in and missing the delivery. As tired as they both were, she knew she’d be sleeping in tomorrow morning. All she wanted to do was relax for the rest of the evening. She just wished it could be with him.
After parking, she opened the door, stepped from the truck, then opened the door for Winnie. She held onto the leash so the dog wouldn’t run off since she was in a new environment.
Celine smiled as she watched Killian pull the truck and trailer close to the barn, then backed it into it. She shook her head. There was no way she could ever do that. She walked toward the barn with Winnie, then stepped inside just as Killian was stepping from the truck. He walked to the side door on the trailer, opened it, then disappeared inside. In less than a minute, he led the first horse out and put it in one of the stalls. He continued to do that until all the horses were in stalls. Then he fed and watered them. He walked back toward the truck, opened the back door and Tank and Cosmo jumped out and ran around the barn.
“Are you sure it’s okay to let them run?”
“They have to get used to it sometime.”
“What if they run off?”
Killian shook his head. “They won’t. I’ll have to watch them when I let them out to show them where they can and can’t go, but I plan to have afence installed for them. I’ll have to put in a pet door too.”
“I love this place,” she said as she looked around. “I bet it will be beautiful in the winter with the snow on the trees.”
“I’m sure it will.” He took her hand. “Come on, let’s head inside so I can get the dogs settled, then I’ll take you home. I’m sorry you can’t stay.”
“Me too, but I can tomorrow night, right?”
“Definitely.” Killian took her hand, led her up to the door and unlocked it. He nodded for her to enter, then he turned and whistled. The dogs came running onto the porch.
“Come on, guys, let’s check out the place.” He held the door open, and the dogs ran inside. Killian watched as they sniffed around the living room then ran down the hallway.
“I can’t wait to see it with the furniture.” Celine smiled at him.
“Me neither. It will make it look more like a home.”
“Will the dogs be alright here alone?”
“Yes. Are you ready to go?”
“Not really, but I need a hot bath and a soft bed to lay in and watch TV.” She tilted her head. “What are you going to do?”
Killian grinned. “Sleep.”
She walked to him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and kissed his neck.
“I’ll miss you tonight.”
“There’s nothing I’d like more than to sleep with you tonight, but unless you want to sleep on the floor with me, I’ll have to take you home.”
Celine sighed. “As much as I’d love to stay, I’m not sleeping on the floor.”