Page 59 of Killian
Celine smiled. “I love you too.”
Killian kissed her forehead then walked out the door, closing it behind him. Celine sighed, then giggled. She was so in love with him and couldn’t wait to spend the weekend with him.
The following Monday, Killian entered the office with Kian behind him. Killian hung up his hat, then looked at Kian.
“You should see Dave. I don’t know where he’s going to have you sit.”
“Alright, I’ll head to his office.” Kian walked toward the office.
Killian watched Dave wave Kian in then he opened the door and entered the office, then Killian sat down and opened his computer.
A few minutes later, Kian returned and stood beside his desk. When Killian looked at him, he grinned.
“Seems the desk across from yours is mine now.”
“Holy hell. I can’t even get away from you at work.” Killian grinned.
Kian chuckled. “I told Dave you’d say something like that.” He walked to the desk, pulled the chair out, sat and looked through thedrawers of the desk.
“Did he give you a case?”
“He’s looking for one to give me. I have a feeling it will be a small one until I prove myself.”
“Yeah, he did that to me.”
“What are you working on?”
“Stolen sheep.”
“How many?”
“Ten. The owner still has flock of fifty, but some of the missing are ewes with lambs.”
“I see. Well, good luck finding them. I wonder why they took the ones with lambs. That’s unusual.”
“I know. Since the ewes will try to keep their lambs safe and away from strangers.”
“Do you think it could be someone who knows the flock? Does the owner have ranch hands?”
“He does but swears none of them would do that.” Killian shook his head. “You never know.”
“We’ve seen it happen before.” Kian shook his head.
As the day wore on, Killian worked at his desk, looking into the ranch hands, but nothing popped out at him.
When lunchtime approached, he stood, stretched and asked Kian if he wanted to grab lunch.
“Not this time. I’m looking into two cases Dave handed me to see which one appeals to me. Stolen cattle and one missing horse.”
“Alright. I’ll see you later.”
As Killian started out the door to head for the diner, his cellphone buzzed from his pocket. He stood on the steps of the building and opened the messages.
Killian, it’s Tess. The dog is ready to go home if you still want him.
He grinned and sent a text back.Of course. If it’s alright, I’ll come and get him now. I’m on my lunchbreak.