Page 62 of Killian
She left the shop early, telling Ainsleigh to lock up and she’d see them all Monday. Then she ran toward her car, hopped inside, and drove home. It was so hot that sweat rolled down between her breasts. She put the windows down but all that did was let the hot air into the vehicle. She switched the A/C on and sighed when it began to cool the car down.
She pressed the button on her steering wheel and called Killian.
“Hey, baby.”
“Hi. I’m heading home and after I change clothes, I’ll be there.”
“Okay. I’m running a little late, but I should be home by six.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll just play with the dogs.” She laughed.
“As long as you play with me later,” he said.
Celine chuckled. “I always like playing with you.”
“I like it too. I have to go. I’m pulling onto a property.”
“Are you still looking for the sheep?”
“Yes, and I had a tip where to find them. I’ll see you later.”
“Please be careful.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, then disconnected.
Celine worried about him when he was on a case. She knew the job was dangerous andlivestock agents could be shot or worse. She prayed all the time for God to keep him safe. She didn’t know what she’d do if she ever lost him.
She pulled into her driveway, shut the car off, and quickly made her way inside. She sighed at the cooler air of the townhouse. Then she ran upstairs, changed her clothes, picked up her overnight case, and headed back to the car. She planned to sit on the sofa watching TV until Killian got home. After she played with the dogs, she thought with a grin.
After pulling around the back of his house, she parked and stepped out. The dogs ran to the fence, barking at her.
“Hi, babies,” she said and laughed as Tank and Winnie’s little nubs were wiggling, and Cosmo and Bruno’s tails were going in circles.
Celine walked toward the fence and smiled as they all tried to get closer to her. She reached over the fence and pet them.
“Let’s go inside.” She walked up the steps and watched the dogs run into the house using the pet door.
When she entered the house, they were sitting in a row, waiting for a biscuit. She set her case on the floor, reached into the box and then gave them each one. They went in different directions to eat them. Picking up her case, she walked toward the bedroom, set her case on the floor, then went back to the living room to watch some TV.
Her cell buzzed from the coffee table. She picked it up and smiled when she saw Killian’s number.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hey. I might be later than I thought, but do you want me to bring home a pizza?”
“Is everything alright? Why are you talking so quietly?”
“I’m watching a house.”
“I’m fine, baby. Don’t worry. I just want to get some photos. So, pizza?”
“Yes, that’s fine.”
“Celine, stop worrying. This is my job and I’m damn good at it. I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
“I love you too.” She sighed when he hung up.