Page 74 of Killian
“Just because I kept it from—”
“You did not just keep it from me.You fucking lied,” he snapped.
Celine walked to the bedroom, picked up herovernight case, then walked back to the kitchen, and out the door, slamming it behind her.
As she got into her vehicle, she looked at the door, but he didn’t come out. With a sob, she started her vehicle and drove home.
Chapter Eleven
“Son of a bitch,” Killian swore.
How could she lie to him? She was supposed to love him, and you don’t lie to someone you love. If her ex was in Clifton, she should have told him. Why couldn’t she do that? Had she been afraid he’d go after the man? He had no desire to even see him, let alone knock him on his ass. Unless he did something to Celine, Killian wanted nothing to do with him. The only thing Killian was sure of was that her ex was here to cause trouble. Whether it be with Celine, or her and Killian, he was up to no good.
Killian sat down in the recliner again and knew he wouldn’t sleep tonight.
The following morning, after feeding and watering the horses, he let them out into the pasture then entered the kitchen. He made a cup of coffee, stepped outside onto the back deck. He took a seat in one of the chairs, resting his feet on the rail and sipping his coffee. The mornings were beginning to cool, and he knew fall would be here soon. He was ready for it. The summer had been brutal.
Sundays, he usually had a lazy day, after feeding the horses, he stayed inside and relaxed. Celine would be with him but not today and he wasn’t sure what was going to happen now. It killed him that she lied to him. That’s not love. If she lied, then she didn’t trust him, and if she didn’t trust him, how could she love him.
She should have trusted him enough to tell him her ex was in Clifton. He would have been fine with it. Sure, it would have bothered him knowing he was around, but Killian wasn’t going to start anything, not unless he bothered Celine in any way. Even talking to her didn’t sit well with him, but Killian wasn’t the type to start something. He’d finish it, but he never started it. He knew he was going to have a long day ahead of him, but he had a lot to think about.
Monday morning, he entered the office, walked to his desk, removed his hat, and hung it up. He sat in his chair, turned on the computer, and looked at the case he was working on.
“You’re here early,” Beau said as he stopped by his desk.
“I didn’t get much sleep. So, I thought I might as well come in.”
“Is everything alright?”
Killian looked at him. “Not really.”
“Is it you and Celine?”
“Yes. It’s a long story. I’m sure Brenna will hear about it.”
“Alright. Well, whatever it is, I hope you work it out.”
Killian nodded but said no more. He opened the file for his case and poured over it. He needed to go back to that property again and see what he could find. Maybe he’d keep his mind off Celine if he was working.
Pushing his chair back, he stood, grabbed his hat, and walked out of the office. He stood at the elevator, waiting for it to arrive.
The doors opened and he mentally groaned when he saw Kian step out from it.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“Out to the property I was at Friday. I’m sure the sheep are there.”
“I’m not doing anything; do you want some company?”
Killian hesitated. Maybe having his brother along would keep his mind off Celine.
“Let’s check with Dave first.”
They walked into the office and Killian waited while Kian went into Dave’s office to ask him about going with him. When Kian stepped out of the office, Killian knew he was going with him.
“He said it was fine,” Kian said.