Page 76 of Killian
“I see some sheep,” Kian said.
“Yeah, I see them too. Can you see if they haveear tags and what color they are?”
“They do have ear tags. They’re yellow. Just like they should be.”
“Good. At least they can be electronically identified.”
“Do you have the numbers of the ones missing?”
“Yeah. Can you make out any numbers?” Killian pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket and looked at the list as Kian read a number from an ear tag. “That’s on the list. I think we found the sheep.” Killian grinned.
“Now what do you want to do?”
“I’m calling for backup. I’m not taking a chance with just two of us.”
“You’re the boss.”
“Damn right.” Killian laughed when Kian gave him the finger.
Once backup arrived, Killian, Kian, Creed, Caysen, and Deacon drove onto the other property. Killian walked toward the door, keeping his hand on his weapon in its holster. He unsnapped the retainer button and knocked on the door.
When the door opened, the man looked at the gun in the holster then at the badge hooked to Killian’s belt. The man sighed and stepped onto the porch.
“Sir? I’m Agent Doyle with Montana Department of Livestock.”
“Those sheep are stolen, aren’t they?”
“Yes, sir. Do you know who took them?”
“My son. He said he bought them. I knew he wasn’t telling the truth. He doesn’t have that kind of money, and he told me he made somekind of deal.” The man shook his head.
“Is he here?”
“He’s running,” Caysen yelled and took off running toward the back of the house.
“Stay here, sir,” Killian told the man.
“I don’t want him hurt.”
“I understand. He won’t be hurt if he cooperates.”
Killian walked to the edge of the porch to see Caysen bringing the man back. He had put handcuffs on him and led him to his truck.
“So, you didn’t know the sheep were stolen?”
“No, I swear I didn’t. He kept talking about raising sheep, but I told him he was on his own if that’s what he wanted. He had to keep them here because he doesn’t own any property. If I had known, I would have called you.”
“Alright. We’ll take him in and question him, but he’s in a lot of trouble. Rustling is not taken lightly.”
“Will he go to jail?”
“That I don’t know. He could, but if he’s never been in trouble before, the judge could go easy on him. I can’t honestly say.”
“I understand. Can I go with him?”
“You can follow us to the department, but you won’t be able to talk to him.”
“I think I’ll just stay here. My wife will be home soon.” The man shook his head. “She’s not going to be happy at all.”