Page 87 of Killian
Celine frowned as she looked at him through the door. “That’s none of your business. Go away or I’ll call the sheriff.”
“You’d call him instead of your man? I knew he was afraid of me,” Blaine taunted.
Celine burst out laughing. “If that makes you feel better, go ahead and believe it.”
“Open the door, Celine. We need to talk.”
“No thanks, another guy saying we need to talk is the last thing I want right now.” She took a deep breath. “Leave, Blaine. You’re just here to cause trouble. You don’t want me any more than I want you. Leave before I call Killian.”
“Go ahead and call him, I’ll wait for him here,” Blaine said stubbornly.
“You’ll be waiting for a long time, idiot,” she muttered.
She walked back to the sofa and sent Killian a message.
I’m home early. Can we meet up tonight or do you want to wait?
She jumped when Blaine banged on the door again, but she ignored it. Hopefully he would get the hint and leave. Her phone buzzed with a reply from Killian.
Whatever you want to do.
“You are the most stubborn man I’ve ever met.Can’t you just tell me what you want?” She texted back.
It’s up to you. If you want me to come over, I can, but not right now.
“Damn it, why did I even mention that?” She scolded herself.
What do you mean, not right now?
“You knew he would ask! Don’t lie, just tell him.” She took a deep breath and sent another text.
Because Blaine is on my porch and won’t leave.
She waited for a response but didn’t get one. Was Killian mad that Blaine was there?
“For crying out loud, Killian. You get upset when I lie about him, but when I tell the truth, you don’t even talk to me. And they say women are hard to understand.” A few minutes later, she heard tires screeching outside. She got up and looked out the window to see Killian getting out of his truck and walking toward the porch.
“Oh no,” she muttered. She quickly opened the door, hoping to stop him, but with the anger evident in his expression, she knew nothing could stop him now. She looked at Blaine and almost laughed at the shock on his face. When he turned to look at her, she just shrugged.
Killian stepped onto the porch, arms folded and glared at Blaine.
Celine looked at Blaine. “You said you would wait here if I called him. Well, here he is.”
Killian glanced at her before turning back to Blaine.
“You were waiting for me?” he asked, leaning against a post.
“Oh, sure. You can act tough because you have a gun strapped to your side.”
Killian smirked. “Trust me, I don’t need this gun.”
“Then take it off,” Blaine challenged.
“I won’t do that, but it’s snapped in, so go ahead and take your best shot.”
Celine didn’t know who to watch, Blaine, who looked like he wanted to run away; or Killian, who seemed relaxed as he leaned against the post. But she knew deep down that he was anything but relaxed and ready for whatever might happen next.
Then Blaine let out a laugh. “I know what you’re doing. You’re waiting for me to hit you so you can have me arrested.”