Page 2 of Levi
“I’m sure you can find someone else with a truck to help you out. Cody has one,” Levi pointed out.
“True, or I could use Addison’s SUV,” Kinley mused.
Levi nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that would work too. Well, have a good day.”
“You too.” She couldn’t help but sigh as she watched him walk out of the store.
“Why don’t you just ask him out?” Addison’s voice came from beside her.
Kinley rolled her eyes. “He’d say no.”
“You don’t know that for sure,” Addison countered.
“Oh please, I practically begged him to offer to take me to get a tree and he blew me off,” Kinley grumbled in frustration.
Addison raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and disbelief. “If that was your attempt at begging him to take you to get a Christmas tree, then you definitely need some better skills.”
Kinley let out a frustrated sigh. “No shit.”
“Seriously, Kinley. You should have just asked him directly. No beating around the bush.”
“And what if he said no?”
“Just make a move. I know you like him, but if you don’t initiate things, nothing will ever happen between the two of you. And let’s behonest, he’s absolutely gorgeous. But from what I’ve observed, he’s never been in a relationship since starting at the ranch. So, it’s up to you to take the first step.”
“I don’t know…”
“Come on, Kinley. You’ve never been afraid to show interest in a man before. Why are you hesitating with Levi?”
“Because he’s… he’s just so masculine. Sorry, that sounded silly.”
“No, I get what you mean. It’s like Cody for me. He exudes masculinity and confidence.”
“Exactly. Not that other guys I’ve dated weren’t like that, but there’s something different about Levi. He oozes sex appeal, and it makes me nervous to ask him out. If he says no, I’d be embarrassed, and you invited him to Thanksgiving dinner, didn’t you?”
“Yes, but if you keep waiting for him to make a move, it might never happen,” her friend pointed out.
“But doesn’t that mean he’s not interested?” Kinley asked.
“Not necessarily. Maybe he hasn’t made a move because you rarely talk to him. That’s why you should take charge and ask him out. If he declines, then you’ll know he’s not into you and you can move on. Stop wishing and hoping; just go for it.”
Kinley took a deep breath. “Fine, next time I see him I’ll ask if he wants to go pick out a Christmas tree together. If that goes well, then I’ll ask him out on a date.” She checked her watch and saw that it was almost noon. “I’m going to grab some lunch; do you want anything?”
“Can you get me a salad?”
“Sure thing; I’ll be back soon.”
“No rush.”
She wrapped herself in her coat and pulled on a beanie before stepping out into the chilly weather. Snow flurries danced in the dark sky, but there wasn’t expected to be any accumulation.
Strolling down the sidewalk, she couldn’t help but smile at the festive Christmas decorations adorning the lampposts. Tinsel in red and green colors crisscrossed over the street, with giant bells hanging in the center. It was a cheerful sight that instantly put her in the holiday spirit. She greeted familiar faces before reaching the diner. The bell above the door jingled as she entered.
Looking around, she spotted an empty stool at the counter and took a seat. Lanie, Deidra, and Connie were busy taking orders, so she knew there would be a wait.
“Is this seat taken?”
She looked up to see Levi standing beside her.