Page 38 of Levi
Levi returned her hug. “I do. Thank you. It’s incredibly generous of both of you.” He shook his head. “I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I was just so shocked.”
“You’ve already put so much time and money into the cabin, Levi. It’s yours to do with as you please,” Cody reassured him, shaking his hand.
“Let me finish getting dinner ready, then we’ll all sit down,” Addison said, turning to Kinley. “Will you help me?”
Kinley nodded. “Of course.” She reached out to touch Levi’s hand, and whispered, “I’m happy for you.”
He kissed her lips, then he and Cody walked into the dining room.
Levi turned to Cody. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“No need, my friend,” Cody replied with a smile. “You’ve truly made that place your own with all the renovations you’ve done. You’re one hell of a manager and a damn good man. Wewanted to do this for you.”
Levi swallowed hard, feeling overwhelmed by their kindness. “I truly appreciate it more than words can express. Once today is over, I’d love to sit down and talk with you.”
“Anytime,” Cody said. “But for now, let’s watch some football.”
Levi grinned and nodded in agreement. “Sounds good to me.”
A few minutes later, Addison called out to the men that dinner was ready, and she needed the food carried to the table. Levi and Cody entered the kitchen, their stomachs growling.
“I’m starving,” Cody exclaimed with a grin.
“Me too. We haven’t eaten since breakfast. We wanted to wait for this. Everything smells incredible,” Levi added, his mouth watering at the sight of all the delicious dishes laid out on the counter.
“Could you please carry the turkey to the table, Cody?” Addison asked.
“Anything for you, my love,” Cody replied with a quick kiss on her lips before picking up the platter holding the perfectly roasted turkey and heading for the dining room.
“What can I help with, Addison?” Levi asked.
“Anything on the counter will do, Levi,” she replied with a grateful smile.
Levi turned to survey the counter filled with an abundance of food, then looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Were you expecting more guests?”
Addison laughed. “No, but you and Kinley will have leftovers to take home with you.”
“You won’t hear any complaints from me,” Leviquipped as he picked up a bowl of steaming corn and a dish of freshly baked biscuits.
Kinley watched Levi disappear into the dining room before turning to see Addison looking at her curiously.
“What?” Kinley asked.
“You two are in love.”
“Yes, we are. We told each other the night before Thanksgiving,” Kinley confirmed with a smile.
“I’m so happy for you.”
Kinley’s gaze drifted toward the dining room where she could see Levi laughing with Cody. “He’s just so... hot.”
Addison chuckled knowingly. “Yes, they both are.”
“I’ll never forget the first time Cody came into the pharmacy,” Kinley recalled, smiling at the memory.