Page 83 of Levi
Levi shook his head. “To me, she was a saint. She never hit me and always tried to protect me from my father. Even though she knew that by protecting me, he would go after her.”
“You know, you have her blood running through your veins too. And if you did turn out to be abusive, she would be disappointed in you.”
“I never thought about it like that.”
“You should. My mother wasn’t a good person, so whenever my dad took something out on me, she never stood up for me. But at least you had a good mother who would do anything to protect you.”
“I did.”
“Then you should also know that you’re a good man because of her and your former boss.”
Levi nodded. “You’re right.”
“I know,” Ryder said with a grin.
Levi reached his hand out, and Ryder shook it.
“Thank you. I need some time to think.”
“Just don’t take too long. You don’t want to lose the woman you love, do you?”
“At this moment, we’re not together due to my fear of becoming like him.”
“I’ve been through something similar. Kelsey left me and went back to Georgia. I even traveled there to try and make things right, but she refused to come back with me. After talking to Frank, she had a change of heart and returned.” Ryder chuckled. “She came back when we were in the middle of a snowstorm. She told me she knew I was a good man, nothing like the man whose name is on my birth certificate.” Ryder shrugged. “I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
“I can relate. I miss having Kinley in my life, and I probably need to do some groveling.” Levi grinned.
Ryder chuckled. “Yeah, been there.”
“Thank you for your time, Ryder. I’ll see you around.”
“Feel free to drop by anytime. Have a great rest of the day.”
As Levi walked out, he heard the sound of a saw starting up again. Talking it out with someone who understood had been helpful.
Levi got into his truck and drove home, determined to figure out what to do next.
Kinley sat on her couch, a movie playing on the television to fill the silence. Her mind couldn’thelp but wander to Levi, especially when she looked at the dollhouse he had given her. She kept it on display on a round table in front of the window. She longed for him to be back in her life, but how could she make that happen when he didn’t trust her enough to believe that all she needed was him? If he was truly set on not having children, she would do her best to convince him that she could live without them; all she truly wanted was him.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and Kinley furrowed her brow. She wasn’t expecting anyone, so she picked up her phone and opened the doorbell camera app. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw LeRoy Thomas standing on her porch. She hesitated before getting up from the couch and cautiously looked through the peephole.
“Go away or I’m calling the police,” she yelled through the door.
“I just want to talk to you,” LeRoy’s voice came through muffled.
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you. Please leave.”
She watched as he walked off the porch, only to come back a few moments later.
“I’ll be back. You can’t avoid me,” he snarled.
“Watch me. Now get away from my house.” Kinley retreated to the comfort of her couch.
As she continued to watch him through her phone, he gave one more angry kick to the door before turning away and sitting down on the steps of her porch. Fear crept into Kinley’s chest as she dialed nine-one-one and reported LeRoy’s aggressive behavior and refusal to leave. They assured her that someone would be there soon,and did she want to stay on the line with them. She told them he couldn’t get inside and there was no way she was going out, so they hung up, then she called Levi.
“Please pick up, please pick up,” she whispered as his phone rang.