Page 23 of Sailor's Delight
“Besides, in the pool? That’s… wrong on a number of levels.”
Never mind, Lord.
Jenn whirled on him as the elevator began to move. She dropped the towel to the floor.
“My apologies, Mr. Morality. Does the idea of having your privates exposed for everyone so inclined to look at make you uncomfortable?” She flipped aside the two nipple covers, fully exposing her breasts, then used two fingers to dislodge the flap that covered her vulva and the narrow, delicately trimmed trail of hair extending up from them.
Trey stared, and Jenn shouted, “What about mine?”
She couldn’t care less about the bulge in his shorts that grew in response to her display.
“Nope. Just yours.” Jenn replaced the cover at her crotch and only just managed to get the nipple covers back in place before the doors opened. A white-haired couple stared in, the man’s eyes hungrily taking in Jenn’s near nudity.
Jenn bent to pick up the towel, giving the couple a full show of her backside. She heard the woman gasp and make angry muttering noises. When she stood and turned around, she made fixed eye contact with the woman as she wrapped the towel around her body.
“Believe me, he’s seen way more than that, and you probably chose the wrong cruise if that offends you.”
The woman sniffed in disapproval as Jenn left the elevator. The couple turned to Trey, whose hands tried and failed to hide his erection.
Behind her, Jenn heard Trey try to offer some explanation as she swept down the hallway, leaving him behind.
He caught up to her just as she reached her cabin door. She opened her bag, pulling out her keycard.
“Jenn, I— ”
She cut him off.
“I put everything out there for you, Trey. Literally.” She didn’t look at him as she swiped the card. He didn’t interrupt. “Not only did you turn me down—,” She whirled on him. “You rejected me!” “Not only that, but you made me into a laughingstock, while you came out of it smelling like a rose, a paragon of virtue to stand firm and unaffected by the drunken advances of the cruise fat lady!” She pushed the door open and stepped inside. “Say hello to 756 for me, or whoever the hell else it is you’re meeting up with tonight.” She slammed the door behind her, then leaned against the door, fighting the tears that built up in her eyes.
The humiliation, embarrassment, and anger poured out of her as she slid slowly to the floor, cradling her head on her arms and knees as she cried.
Chapter 7
For the third time the next morning, Trey knocked on Jenn’s door with no response. He checked his phone again. Still no response to either of his messages. Jenn was ghosting him.On a ship? Was that even possible on a ship?He'd heard of ghost ships, but this was ridiculous!
Trey turned away from the silence of the cabin door. Ricardo! When he saw Trey turn and begin walking toward him, the man yanked the supply closet door closed and scrambled backward, pulling the cart he held between them like a shield.
“Ricardo, I just have a question. Have you seen Ms. Jenn this morning at all?”
Ricardo waved his hands as if shooing away a bothersome stray animal. “No. Can’t help. Very busy, Mr. Trey.”
Trey slowed to a stop as Ricardo wheeled around a corner and out of sight. He pulled out his phone and stared at the empty messaging screen helplessly.Where could she be?
Last night literally could not have gone worse. Trey thought they’d been on sure footing after their afternoon delight. Apparently, he’d been wrong. He had absolutely no idea why Jenn had decided that she needed to have him right away, and in the pool, of all places. Like a couple of horny teenagers. She’d mentioned his clumsily-covered-up text. Was that it?
It seemed silly to say that she’d been upset. A little like saying a volcano is hot. Sure, it’s a true statement, but a massive exercise in understatement.
Just then, the chime of the loudspeaker system sounded.
“Good morning cruisers, this is your captain speaking. We have docked successfully, and we’re just waiting on the last finishing touches to get the ship all secure before we open up the gangway. If you have any last-minute signups or alterations to your shore excursions, there are attendants waiting at the Shore Excursion counter in the atrium to assist you. Otherwise, please enjoy your day in Cozumel.”
That was it: shore excursions. If Jenn was truly as mad at him as he thought, he bet dimes to dozens that she would be changing her shore excursion to one thathewasn’t on.
Trey wove his way along with the other passengers heading down toward the gangway on the lower levels. The lines for the elevators were longer than a ladies’ bathroom at a Taylor Swift concert.
Trey headed for the atrium balcony. Staring down, the wide open, glass-encased chamber echoed loudly with the voices of excited passengers and a single lonely guitar player whose attempts at an Eagles song were largely ignored and overshadowed.
Trey peered down into the sea of brightly colored sundresses, woven-grass hats, and obnoxious Hawaiian print shirts.How the hell was he supposed to see a single specific woman in all of— There she is!