Page 32 of Sailor's Delight
Jenn flipped back onto the bed, the comforter slightly scratchy against her bare skin. She stared up at the low ceiling of the cabin, fuming.
This is not how this trip was supposed to go. I’ve orgasmed exactly once on this trip, two days in!
Jenn huffed angrily. If no one else was going to help her, she’d take matters into her own hands.
She leaped off the bed and threw open the closet door, fumbling for the second small suitcase she’d packed specially for this trip.
Heaving the luggage onto the bed, she yanked the zippers open, throwing back the lid.
Her eyes scanned past all the lace, spandex, latex, and even just a bit of leather in resentment.
No need for you, sexy outfits!
She pushed beneath the pile of fabric sex appeal to the bottom of the case. Her hand brushed past a variety of glass, metal, and smooth velvety silicone surfaces, searching for her favorite.
Jenn couldn’t help but smile when she found it. It felt a little like running into an old friend at the coffee shop. If, that is, that friend took you into the bathroom and proceeded to give you the best thirty minute, truly no-strings-attached orgasm of your day, then went back out front with you to enjoy your iced coffee without a single word of protest, cajoling, or pressure.
No pressure is EXACTLY what I need.
Looking around, Jenn tried to decide where she wanted to spend the next thirty minutes. The bed? She fiddled with the pillows for a moment. The chair? She examined the rigid, understuffed armchair only for a moment before shaking her head.
The light from the setting sun pulled her attention to the sliding glass door and the balcony.
Jenn smiled.
When in Rome…
Jenn slid the glass door open and poked her head out, listening for voices.
Any nosy neighbors out and about?
She didn’t hear anything. She took a tentative step out onto the balcony. The vigorous sea breeze swept over and around her, caressing every inch. She shivered as her nipplesstiffened. Jenn tiptoed to the partition that divided her section of the balcony from the neighbor on the left and tried to press her eye to the small crack between the partition and the bulkhead. She couldn’t see anything.
Good for me.
Jenn crept to the other end of the balcony and attempted to crane her head out and around the barrier on that side. It didn’t take much to do so. She looked around the barrier easily, giving her a clear view of her neighbor’s empty veranda.
Not so good.
Jenn stood at the rail for a moment, reveling in the thrill that came with being naked outdoors where you shouldn’t necessarily be, the wind licking spots that rarely felt the open air.
The sun was nearly touching the visually endless ocean as the port receded into the horizon behind them. The sky around the sun blazed in oranges and pinks that Jenn had rarely seen anywhere else. She sighed.
If only I wasn’t alone to appreciate this.
She straightened, tapping the rail.
And that’s quite enough of that!
Having decided, Jenn worked quickly, pulling the armchair from inside the door out onto the balcony and close to the rail. At the last minute, she grabbed the towel where she’d thrown it on the floor. It wouldn’t hurt to have some cover if she needed it.
Jenn situated herself comfortably in the chair, her feet propped up on one of the rails. Taking a slow breath in, sheclosed her eyes, letting her head fall back onto the back of the armchair.
In her fingers, the vibrator buzzed to life. She smiled.
That’s more like it.