Page 46 of Sailor's Delight
“Great! Let’s go. I want to get out of these clothes.”
She heard both men give a sharp intake of breath and tried to hide the smile that dominated her face and her insides.
Trey led the way, limping quietly in the lead. Jenn followed, and Casey quietly brought up the rear.
Trey held the door open for Jenn, but she noticed that he released it before Casey had finished walking through it. She couldn’t fault his anger. Caseyhadessentially kidnapped her, albeit peacefully.
Trey opened the back door of the cab for Jenn. She brushed as much of the mostly dried mud from her pants and legs as she could, then slid across the seat to make room for him. As he climbed in beside her and closed the door, Casey surprised her by sliding in and closing the door on the other side, his long leg pressing up against hers.
“Are you serious?” Trey said loudly, disbelieving.
“What?” Casey asked as the cab leaped forward.
“Where to?” the cabbie asked, her eyes darting around her as she quickly navigated away from the warehouse.
Trey turned and stared out his window, shaking his head. “Back to the ship.”
“You got it!” Jenn heard the engine putter faster as the woman pushed the accelerator.
“You couldn’t have ridden up front?” Jenn asked, a smile in her voice.
“I– I didn’t think passengers were allowed up front,” Casey said, his face going red.
Trey sighed, but didn’t say anything, staring out the window.
Jenn couldn’t help but smile as she turned to face out the windshield. They rode in silence for several moments, the only sound the rise and fall of the engine as the cabbie wove in and out of the streets on her way to the harbor.
The first hard right turn she made, all three passengers in the back seat lurched to the left, and Jenn had no choice but to throw her hands out to support herself. The only available space were the thighs of the men on either side of her. Trey’s thigh flinched beneath her hand, but he reached his right hand out to support her. Her left hand, in the meantime, landed squarely atop not Casey’s leg, but his half-stiff cock. He tried to shift away, offering quiet apologies, but there was nowhere for him to go. Jenn’s eyes went wide at the feel of him, even briefly, and she swallowed and blinked, fighting a smile. She lifted her hand, but held it out over his leg, rubbing the tips of her fingers together absently.
Jenn turned to look at Trey. “I want this.”
Trey turned to look at her, his eyebrows knitting slightly in confusion. He glanced at her hand, hovering over Casey’s leg, and his mouth opened slightly. Jenn watched his face tighten and wrinkle and could see his mind at work. Finally, he whispered, quiet enough that only she could hear.
“Do you actually want it, or is it just to get back at me?”
Jenn stared at him, her own mind now at work. She couldn’t deny that she was still angry with Trey. Nothing hadchanged there. But the attraction to Casey predated that by several days. The initial attraction in the library, which she’d tamped down at the time in favor of Trey, had only built in the following days with the chance meetings she’d spent with Casey.
“This is something I actually want.”
Jenn saw Trey swallow slightly, then slowly nod. “Okay.” He didn’t say anything else, simply turned and looked out the window.
Jenn looked at him appraisingly. “You sure?”
Trey nodded. “If it’s something you want, I say go for it.”
Jenn gave his leg a squeeze in thanks, then turned her attention to Casey.
“Hey,” she said, setting her hand intentionally back atop his leg, the shaft of his cock pressing into her palm. Her own heartbeat quickened as she felt the blood surge into the flesh beneath her hand with each one of Casey’s rapid heartbeats. “You remember how I said I didn’t want to see any more of you once we reached the ship?”
Casey nodded, and a swallow made his Adam's apple bounce like a bobber on a fishing line.
Jenn stretched up to whisper into his ear, “Well, we haven’t reached the ship yet, and there are some parts of you I’ve been dying to see more of.” She pressed down with her palm, squeezing his cock between it and his leg.
Casey groaned. Jenn smiled. She was going to enjoy this.
Chapter 13
Jenn was never good at waiting. Indecisiveness wasn’t rewarded in the business world. She knew what she wanted, she’d made the decision, so now she simply went for it.