Page 51 of Sailor's Delight
Chloe smiled at Jenn. “Actually, would it help if you referred to me assoulsurfer06?”
Jen frowned for just a moment, then her mouth dropped open, and her eyebrows flew upward. “What?” Her hands went up to her mouth in disbelief, remembering at the very last moment not to touch them to her lips and cheeks. She pressed them together in front of her face. “No… That’s why you looked so familiar!” She turned to look at Trey. “How…”
Trey grinned. “You matched. Months ago, before you got so busy with the merger.” He nodded at Chloe, who was also smiling. Desire was also smiling. It seemed no one could help it. “When you didn’t respond on the website, Chloe found me and reached out on social media.”
“I just couldn’t let you disappear into the depths of the internet,” Chloe said, holding out her hand to Jenn.
Jenn hesitated. She looked at Trey, and there were tears in her eyes. “It was all for me? The sneaking around? The text messages, the meetups with Chloe in the bar, it was all so Chloe and I could be together?”
Trey nodded, his grin infectious. “I’m so sorry. When you confronted me about Chloe, I panicked. I didn’t know how to keep the surprise and explain at the same time, so I… choked. I’m truly sorry about that. You must have thought the absolute worst of me.”
Jenn nodded quickly. “I did.” She stepped over to Trey and took his face in her gloved hands, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Trey’s body tingled, and he wasn’t sure if it was more from relief of the surprise being sprung or from the kiss itself. Either way, he enjoyed it.
“I’msorry!” Jenn whispered, cradling his forehead to hers. “I… with the merger, and everything after…” She suddenly looked up, her mouth aghast. “Oh, my god, everything with Casey!”
Trey laughed quietly. “So there may have been just a bit of revenge fucking involved there?”
Jenn looked at the ground, embarrassed. “Maybe just a little bit. God! What you must think of me!”
Trey tilted her head up with a finger. “I think the world of you, Jenn. You work harder than any person I’ve ever met. You’ve accomplished more this year than I could ever accomplish in a lifetime.”
Jenn sputtered, removing her glove so she could wipe away the tear that pushed out from her eye. “You’re making me cry.” She sniffed. “And breaking my cruise rule.”
Trey leaned into her, wrapped a hand around the small of her back, put his mouth right next to her ear, and whispered, “Fuck your cruise rule.”
He gently turned Jenn around to face Chloe, who stood waiting for her, hands kneading each other in midair.
“Ten months ago, you matched with a woman who wanted to meet you and help you explore this side of yourself. This woman. We’ve travelled across an ocean specifically so that this night could happen. Don’t let it go to waste with misplaced guilt.” Trey put one hand gently on her lower back and pushed her forward.
Chloe reached out, and Jenn took her hand. Trey noticed a shiver that traveled up Jenn’s spine, and he let his hand slide down to pat her ass affectionately.
Trey turned to look at Desire. “Wanna get a drink?”
Desire nodded.
Trey turned to look at Jenn, surprised. “No?”
“Will you stay?” Jenn turned to look at Chloe, suddenly bashful. “Is that okay?”
Chloe nodded, smiling. She turned to look at Desire, who gave a thumbs up and unbuttoned their jacket, then walked to the dinner booth they’d come from and sat down.
“Are you sure?” Trey asked, glancing at first Jenn, then Chloe. “You want me to just… watch?”
Chloe smiled. “Is that gonna be a problem?”
“Hell, no!” Trey said quickly. “I just want to make sure that’s really what you want, and you’re not just doing it out of guilt or shame or something.”
Jenn shook her head. “I want you here. Ineedyou here.”
Trey smiled in reassurance and brushed his thumb over Jenn’s cheek. “Then here’s where I’ll be.”
He turned and walked to join Desire at their booth and slid in at the opposite side of the single long bench that curved around the large table. He found a comfortable position, and then he stopped moving, and simply watched.
Chapter 15
Jenn turned her face from the shadowy booth where Trey had disappeared and smiled at Chloe. “Sorry. I just… he puts me at ease.”