Page 59 of Sailor's Delight
When they came, it was together, Trey’s ankles lifting almost even with Jenn’s head as he climaxed, moaning loudly as he did so. Jenn gasped loudly, her breath surging in and out as her own orgasm rippled through her body, leaving her skin tingly, her mouth dry, and her clit painfully sensitive.
She thought briefly about chasing after a second but decided not to when she looked down at Trey’s face.
His eyes were wide, adoring, his mouth slack with awe. Jenn sat forward, sliding off of his penis. As it slid out of her, Trey groaned one last time as his warmth and wet dripped out of her onto his belly.
Jenn laid down on top of Trey, her head dropping against his chest. He adjusted to get his still-mostly-erect penis out of the way, then wrapped both arms and legs around her and turned off his own vibrator.
They lay together in the sudden quiet, simply holding each other as they recovered their breath. When they both werefinally able to breathe calmly and deeply once more, Jenn raised her head and whispered, “You know, you’ll never hear me say this again, but that was almost worth the wait!”
Trey laughed and pulled her lips to his.
Chapter 17
The remaining days of the cruise passed in a blur, composed entirely of lovemaking in one of their two cabins, quick trips to meet up with Chloe and Desire in their large cabin, and frequent trips to the cafeteria to refuel.
It was at the end of one of these, both Trey and Jenn enjoying a heaping cone of the soft serve ice cream– Trey strawberry, Jenn chocolate– that they encountered Casey.
He drew up short when he saw them, his eyes wide, the tray of food in his hands largely forgotten. Trey reached out to hold up the side as it started to tip over.
“Easy there, sailor,” he said quietly.
“Uh… hey…,” Casey said quietly, his eyes fixed on Jenn. It was obvious to anyone who cared to notice the flicker of fabric between his legs what he was remembering. Jenn ignored it.
“Sit with us?” she asked, instead, turning and walking to an empty table with four chairs in a far corner without waiting for an answer.
Casey glanced at Trey, who smiled disarmingly and gestured for him to follow.
When they were all situated, Casey sat, wide-eyed and openmouthed, as Jenn voraciously licked the dripping sides of her ice cream. When she caught his eye, she glanced at the cone, then shook her head quickly. “Don’t worry,” she pointed at the cone. “This isn’t symbolic. It’s just really good ice cream.” She took another lick.
“‘Kay,” Casey said weakly. His eyes turned downward, staring down at his tray as he concentrated on adjusting everything on it to keep his mind otherwise engaged.
“I wanted to ask, since we never really got a chance to talk after… you know,” Jenn said, taking a long, definitely suggestive lick of her ice cream cone. “Everything… What’s so special about that bracelet?”
Casey took a deep shuddering breath. “My uncle–,”
Jenn interrupted him. “Yeah, we know about that. You told us already.” She glanced at Trey. “Me, at least. But nobody goes to the lengths that you did over nothing more than sentiment and a couple of rock-shop gemstones.” Jenn caught a drip with her finger and sucked it off loudly. Casey stared. Trey laughed and shook his head.
Casey hemmed and hawed for a moment, right up until Jenn said, “Look, I don’t like to throw around the ‘B’ word, but I’m not above blackmail right now, all right? You can either tell us, or we’ll go ahead and report what you did. I don’t think I’m asking for a lot here, do you?” She glanced at Trey, who shook his head with mock seriousness.
“God! Okay, fine.” Casey glanced around the cafeteria, then slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a wadded napkin.
Jenn frowned. “Is that from the banquet hall? Weird klepto fetish.”
Casey pushed back the folds of the napkin, revealing a yellowish stone, no larger than the tip of Jenn’s pinky.
“Is that…” Jenn’s eyes widened. “A diamond?”
Casey nodded. “It was in the bracelet.”
Trey scowled and spoke around the last bite of his ice cream cone. “No, it wasn’t. I looked over every inch of that bracelet, and there was no diamond. Not like that!”
Casey shook his head. “No. I mean it wasinthe bracelet! Literally inside!”
Both Jenn and Trey stared at him.
Casey rewrapped the diamond, slipping it back in his pocket. “Look, my great-great-uncle was approached by a guy, some actor-turned-jewel-thief named Jack Murphy, to hide the diamond. He said he’d stolen it, it was hot, he felt like he was gonna get caught, and he wanted it hidden.” Casey picked up his fork but didn’t even glance at his platter. “He did get caught, and he served time, but he never went back for the bracelet. My uncle held onto it. He was scared that Murphy would come after him if he sold it, so he just hung onto it until he died.”
“But why didn’t your family hang onto it, then?” Jenn whispered, leaning across the table, her eyes wide with interest.