Page 6 of Sailor's Delight
The moment her legs hit the sheets, she was glad for Trey’s help in making the decisions that had led to this point in her evening. It really was for the best. With as much as she’d drunk at dinner, she probably wouldn’t have been able to remember and feel everything she wanted to in taking Trey into her bed. Better leave that for another night. Tomorrow night, however, she wouldn’t have been able to truly appreciate THIS. She joyfully slid her legs back and forth beneath the sheets, her smooth skin gliding easily, the fabric caressing her skin everywhere, all at once. It wasn’t sex, but it would do. It woulddo very nicely for tonight. As Trey said: it was a boat. He wasn’t going anywhere.
Chapter 2
Jenn awoke the following morning remembering why she didn’t often drink these days. She remembered back to her twenties in college when she could stay out drinking and dancing until 2:00AM, then crank out a 7:00AM final with minimal difficulty.
The pain in her head and the taste in her mouth left her wishing she’d exercised a bit more restraint the previous evening.
She rolled over and stretched, letting the sheets be pulled down to her waist as she pushed to sit up. The headache flared, causing her to groan and gingerly lie back down. Eyes closed, she fumbled on the shelf above her head for her phone. When she found it, she tapped the screen, causing it to blare into life, searing her eyeballs and her brain with this week’s background. She swore, squeezing her eyes closed and dropping the phone on her face, causing her to swear again.
As she held her now throbbing cheekbone, she held the background in mind. A seascape with palm trees and her bare, pale legs extended from the bottom of the frame. A memento from her last seaside vacation, it was simply a placeholder until she took a worthy replacement this week.
Squinting mightily, Jenn raised the phone and tapped the screen again. Swiping quickly, she lowered the brightness as low as it would go. Opening the cruise line app, she checked for missed messages from Trey. Her face fell when there were none. She vaguely remembered that he’d said to send him a message when she woke up. Checking the time, she giggled. Ten thirty. It had been alongtime since she’d slept in like that. She tookanother moment, lying back on the sheets in the dark and lying spread-eagle, taking up as much space on the empty bed as she could. She smiled, reveling in the fact that, if she had wanted to, she could just as easily go back to sleep.
But that would leave Trey waiting and alone. It was a big ship, but a small world. Chances are, there were other women on this ship who liked to move as fast as she did, and she found herself jealous at even the thought of any one of them getting to occupy his time, rather than her. She’d made him wait long enough.
I’m up.
She sent the message and threw her legs out of bed, now simply choosing to ignore the splitting headache in her forehead. Standing up, she pushed the thong panties down over her thighs and stepped out of them, leaving them on the floor where they fell. Let it be a tantalizing visual reminder, the next time Trey came to the room.
Smiling despite the headache, she turned on the smaller mirror lamp in the bathroom, not ready for the full overhead light. By its light, she stepped back out into the entrance of her room and examined her reflection in the full-length mirror.
Feet together and placing her hands on her hips, she took herself in as a stranger might.
She was tall, not as tall as Trey, but tall enough for a woman at 5’8”. She had small feet for her size, giving her figure what she thought was a classic hourglass taper. Her legs began thin at the ankle, then flared steadily outward to her bottom, which she could only describe as ample. She turned to get a glimpse of her cheeks in the mirror, causing the flesh of her bumto jiggle and shake with the movement. She instinctively winced slightly, then pursed her lips in a determined little smile.More to love, she repeated to herself.
From there, her attention turned to her belly, which bulged more and had a distinct sag that hadn’t been there 15 years ago. She ran her hands over the skin, feeling the marks and imperfections there, the layer of adipose tissue beneath the skin. Adipose. She liked the word, because it didn’t have the social connotations of fat, and normalized the fact that it was just an expected body part. She pushed gently on the softness of the belly, staring down at what she could see of it between her breasts. She caressed it gently as she mentally practiced her affirmation, intentionally and deliberately,I love my body. I’ve done and experienced so many amazing things in this body, and it’s never failed me.
Next, her hands ran up to her breasts, cupping one enormous feature in each hand. She’d recently been toying with the idea of having them reduced, but that was only because they were difficult to exercise with, and there was no denying the ache in her lower back that only sometimes went away temporarily when she leaned over to lay her chest on a countertop or supported their weight on the shelf in the shower at home.
It was purely a functional decision she was considering. Aesthetically, she genuinely loved her breasts. She loved how they swung when she shook them, and loved how they looked in clothes like the ones she’d brought on the cruise, though it made finding those clothes immensely more difficult.
She turned, looking at herself briefly from each side, holding her breasts, then smiled at her reflection, nodding in quick and forced approval. She jumped in the shower and washed quickly. She debated for a moment over shaving again,feeling the very slight, almost imperceptible stubble of the hair, then went ahead and did it when she remembered that there was nothing more pressing than her desire to see Trey again to make her rush.
Finished, she stepped out and back into the room, picking up her phone to check for a reply from Trey.
Glad to hear it. I’ll bring coffee. What would you like for brunch?
She smiled and texted him back.
A muffin and some bacon, if you can get them.
She waited for his reply. A thumbs up appeared. She waited while he continued typing.
Meet you on the observation deck at the front of the ship. See you soon.
Grinning, Jenn tossed her phone onto the bed, then allowed the towel to drop to the floor. She turned to the closet, a smile on her face.Now, what to wear?
When Jenn summited the staircase to the observation deck at the front of the ship, she had to shoot a hand up to keep the wide-brimmed straw sun hat on her head from flying off. Catching sight of Trey, she waved coyly with her other hand, smiling with satisfaction in her appearance.
She’d decided on the short-sleeve lavender button-up romper with a belted waist. The tight, short pant legs on the romper, paired with the tall Espadrilles wedges she wore, accentuated both the length and the thickness of her long white legs. The material of the romper had a delightful stretch to it, meaning that it could hug tightly to her backside whilestill allowing her to bend and move naturally. She’d been wonderfully pleased with that fact as she’d turned her head to look at herself from the back as she’d prepared to leave the room moments ago. She looked absolutely fantastic from behind.
The top three buttons of the romper she’d left open, a daring feat: when she’d moved quickly in the mirror, she’d caught glimpses of the particularly soft skin of her underboob. She didn’t hate it.
Now, walking toward Trey, the breeze carrying the elegant dangling earrings on her ears fully lateral, she only momentarily regretted that her pixie cut couldn’t adequately blow in this picture-perfect approach. She allowed herself the calculated risk of an extra energetic sway to her walk, well aware of everything the action put in motion.
She was fully gratified and relieved, behind her large, mirrored sunglasses, in the drop of Trey’s jaw, the clear worship in his eyes, and the slight push against the fabric of his pants below his pockets. The last she only saw because she was looking particularly close and specifically for it. It was exactly what she’d hoped for.
“Good morning,” she said cheerily.