Page 54 of A Sinner's Truth
He has certainly awoken some foreign part of me, because I can feel myself building towards my third orgasm of the night. I rock back and forth, grinding my clit against his pelvis. Tingles spread all over me. I can feel it, the height of the pleasure. It’s right there. I’m reaching for it.
“Fuck,” Santo grinds the word out between clenched teeth. Then he leans forward. My back hits the damp grass, and he’s on top of me. My legs wrap around his waist as he pistons in and out of me like a man possessed.
It’s not until after we’ve climaxed and are both catching our breaths that I realise he just fucked me right on top of his fiancée. Her body lies beneath us. I should be weirded out. I’m not. Just content and really freaking tired.
Walking downstairs, I feel everything from last night. Every muscle in my body is sore and properly used. After we left the cemetery, Santo brought me home. We showered, where he fucked me against the wall, then he fucked me again in his bed. I don’t know where he gets his stamina from or how he keeps going. I think I passed out at around three in the morning. I couldn’t keep up with him any longer.
Now, with only four hours of sleep, I’m making my way downstairs. I woke up alone again. I shouldn’t care. Idon’tcare. We aren’t anything more than friends—friends who have amazing sex together. Friends who are faking a marriage. It’s not that deep, right? So what if I woke up alone in bed? He doesn’t owe me anything.
I walk into the dining room and stop. All eyes turn to me. Santo is the only one who stands. “Morning. Sleep well?” he asks, and then presses his lips to mine.
“Mhmm,” I murmur.
“Come eat.” He takes hold of my hand and pulls out the empty chair next to his.
“Thank you.” I smile up at him. He really is beautiful. Even with all the darkness that surrounds him like a thunderstorm waiting to break free.
Everyone else at the table continues to stare—openly stare—at the two of us. It’s weird and uncomfortable. If Santo notices, he doesn’t let on. He just sits down and starts piling my plate with food.
“I know you guys are newlyweds and all, but the walls are thin, bro,” Vin says, and my entire face heats up. I’m sure it’s red too.
The walls are thin.Meaning he heard us last night. I really just want to die right now.
“Shut the fuck up.” Santo glares at his younger brother before turning back to me. His expression softens. “Ignore him, darling. He’s a punk-ass kid and his room is on the opposite side of the house. He didn’t hear shit.”
“But I did.” Eloise laughs. “And good for you, Aria. Embrace all that chemistry you two have. I do wish I had a husband who was that attentive, though.” She sighs.
Gio’s fork drops to the table. He stands so quickly his chair falls backwards. I flinch, not knowing what’s coming next. But then he bends down, picks up his wife, and throws her over his shoulder. “Santo, watch the kid for an hour. I have a point to make,” he says before storming out of the room with an upside-down Eloise laughing behind him.
“She did that on purpose, didn’t she?” I ask Santo.
“Yep.” He chuckles. “The idiot falls for it every time too, like he actually has to prove himself worthy of her.”
“It’s cute that he actuallywantsto prove himself, I guess.” I pick up my fork.
“I want you to come to the distillery today,” Santo says, suddenly changing the subject.
“Why?” I ask him.
“Because you need to know what you’re going to be marketing.”
“You want me to work for you, Santo? I’m not sure you can afford to hire me.” I laugh.
“Notforme.Withme. You’re my wife, Aria. You own whatever I own, which happens to be a fifth of this distillery,” he states.
You own whatever I own.Oh my god, I just realised what it was that Oliver wanted so desperately. It’s not me at all. It’s the company. He wants ownership of Swan Enterprises.
Which reminds me of the note I found on my desk yesterday. I haven’t thought too much about it, seeing as other things have been keeping me busy:You took what belongs to me. I’m coming to get it back.
Could that be Oliver threatening to take the company? I don’t see how he actually could, though. Not without a valid claim. Something he lost when I nullified their deal by marrying Santo.
Chapter Twenty-Five
I’ve spent the last two hours giving Aria a tour of the distillery. She seems genuinely interested in everything I’m showing her. Then again, I thought Shelli was faithful and loved me. My perception is obviously shit.
Am I just seeing what I want to see? I want Aria to embrace this role, both as our newest campaign manager and as my wife. She doesn’t know I’m putting her in charge of a campaign forCinque Dolore. The label has taken off, but I think it has the potential to be better.
“This is so good, and I don’t even like whiskey,” Aria says after tasting my signature blend.