Page 18 of Losing his Daddy
Until he tried to sooth me, I didn’t realize that I’d been crying. Not the ugly cries I’d gotten used to. These were more subtle.
“We’re here for you in whatever way you need.” The man Pierce was at my back, his meaty palm rubbing in small circles.
“Pierce is right. We take care of our own.”
I shook my head. “But I’m not. Not really. In the midst of therapy, I realized a few things about myself. Things about what my future would need to look like in order for me to properly cope. I can’t… I won’t have a D… Da —”
Princess Aster placed a finger over my lips. “That’s all for now. I’m putting the pieces together. If you’re up to explain more later, you can. For now, why don’t we introduce you to some new friends? Oh, wait!! Is it ok if you’re around this stuff or is that a problem?”
“Being around it is fine. It’s the art of practicing the dynamic that messes with me,” I admitted.
“Ok, good. And you’ll tell me if you’re ever uncomfortable? We can always move you to a new room or change things around. You don’t have to be in a bad place simply because you’re afraid to speak up. Got it?”
I’d forgotten how bossy he could be. Grinning, I gave him a nod and wiped away the tears clinging to my cheeks.
Princess Aster turned to face the group of men who’d stopped whatever they were doing to watch our interaction. I recognized several of them, though a few were strangers.
“Alright, everyone. This is Gerald. He’s an old friend of ours. We’re going to welcome him with big, open arms. I’m talking all the hugs if he’s up for it.”
I nodded quickly.
“Perfect! Now a few things to note: 1) He is not a practitioner of the Daddy lifestyle. 2) He is new to town, which means he’ll need a food guide. Yes, Doyle, you’re the best choice.” He pointed to a man who had his hand raised high in the back. “3) We’re going to operate on a color system for Gerald as a whole. If he’s looking uncomfy, we might have to shift some things around. And 4) Somebody get all the alcohol and move it. Pronto, people. Pronto.”
Everyone moved all at once, their bodies passing each other as they shifted to make room while simultaneously hiding the amber bottles of liquid I’d seen when I walked in. My body was attuned to it now. I could probably find it blindfolded to be honest.
But I wouldn’t touch it.
Not now, not ever.
I was getting a second chance at life. I intended to make the best of it.
Of course,Princess Aster decided the night needed to become a sleepover after his big announcement. He asked his husband Charlie if it was ok to have his friends over. The older man gave him a sweet smile as he easily agreed.
We were all camped out in the play area getting ready for bed. I was still working to remember everyone’s names, so I kept mostly to myself so I wouldn’t mess up. That and being around so many people again was overwhelming.
Or rather, being around so many kinky people was overwhelming. I didn’t flinch at the word Daddy, nor did I lose my cool at the obvious caregiving around me.
I thought I had myself together. It felt like a win.
And then Princess Aster asked me the question that disrupted the small bit of calm I’d found. “So, we’re not telling Ean or Rhett you’re here, right? I’m getting the sense that you don’t want them to know.”
The others sat back quietly, watching the exchange. All of them were in varying degrees of pajamas. A couple had full footie sets where every inch of skin minus their hands and faces were covered. Then there were one or two in short shorts and crop tops. There was even one guy in all black long sleeves and sweats.
After dragging out the silence far longer than necessary, I nodded. “I would prefer if they didn’t know. If they know, then Atticus will know. And quite frankly, I’m not ready to face him or any of the others just yet. I’m… I’m not strong enough.”
I felt arms wrap around me at the confession. “It’s ok, Gerald. We will do whatever you need us to. Besides, Ean and Rhett are super busy most of the time. Getting on their schedule is super hard.”
My laugh came out watery as I fought to hold back my tears. “It’s ok. I don’t plan to be here forever. I need to find a job first, then I can get out of your hair.”
“Nonsense,” Charlie declared as he brought over some blankets for us all. We were sleeping in a big circle, though some of the guys were so close it was practically a dogpile.
“Daddy is right. You are welcome as long as you need to satay.”
I gave Princess Aster a thankful smile. “I appreciate it. Still, there’s a lot I need to do. Experiences I want to try since I’ve spent so long torturing myself for the past. I don’t want to live in the dark anymore.”
“The dark is no fun,” one of the men calls out. I think he’s the one named Byron. “You’ve got our full support for whatever you need.”
“Yes! Byron is right! What do you need first? A job? A house? To eat as much cake as possible in a single sitting? We can take care of it all.”