Page 11 of Battle Fluke
“I’m from the deep soundings.” Kyree answered as she lifted her lowered chin. The strength had returned, and pride swelled in Honour’s heart for Kyree. She was almost as big an enigma as Hudson. No matter how very opposite the two of them were.
“The pacifists,” Hudson answered on a seductive little chuckle. Scorn tinged the end of her laugh. But she hadn’t asked the question.
She had known.
With each passing moment, Honour found herself more and more intrigued by who exactly Hudson was, while her fascination with Kyree continued to grow stronger. She’d never found two mermaids more opposite staring each other down, with her stuck right in the middle. And yet, that was exactly where Honour wanted to be. The reactions stirring in her body were the last thing she wanted.
Of course, these two mer were so beautiful, and her body was making no secret of that. But it was more than that.
No, it was different from that.
She wasn’t actually attracted to either of them. Not really.
How could she be?
Hudson was an unknown, unpredictable entity. She had little kindness, if any, in her. And while Honour might still have a lot to learn about Kyree, she was gentle and kind and honest. The fierceness that fired out of her at the most surprising of times simply amplified these qualities.
And yet, they both carried themselves in a shroud of mystery.
“Honour?” The back of Kyree’s hand was pressed against Honour’s cheek, cool and comforting against her burning skin.
“Ky…?” Honour struggled to get Kyree’s full name out. She tried and failed to open her eyes.
When had they closed completely?
“Yes.” The smile she couldn’t see floated in the water on the simple word. “Yes, Honour, it’s me. You’ve got an infection. But Hudson is working on a poultice to pull it from your blood. You’ll be okay.”
“I know.” Honour felt herself begin to drift off once more. “I have you. It’ll all work out.”
Her words slurred in her ears, and she could no longer fight the pull of her body’s desire to drift off into oblivion.
But Kyree knew she meant it would work out with Soulara and Reine, didn’t she? Of course, she did. Kyree understood her. It was a gift Honour had never expected to find in an outsider.
“My, my,” Hudson’s voice carried to Honour down a long tunnel. “Her faith in you is very interesting indeed.”
“Have you had sex?”
Kyree’s shoulders immediately tightened. She flicked her gaze up into Hudson’s blue eyes, eyes that matched the waters of the upper soundings perfectly. Kyree had never seen such a color before, but that didn’t negate the fact that Hudson was brash with a tendency toward violence and pushing boundaries that Kyree didn’t appreciate.
“Have you…” Hudson settled next to Kyree, who was leaning over Honour after she’d passed out in pain and exhaustion, not that she would admit to the pain ever. “…ever…had sex?”
Kyree refused to look up at Hudson again. What business of Hudson’s was her sexual life? And where could this line of questioning be going other than to lure Kyree into a false sense of safety and comfort? Because that was something that wouldn’t happen. Honour would never be able to stand it.
“Come on.” Hudson moved her hand up Kyree’s arm to her shoulder.
Kyree had noticed she liked to do that, use touch and sensations to try and get her way, seduce someone into an answer. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t intrigued byit. The thought of doing something so bold was foreign in her culture.
“Don’t get quiet on me now. We’re just talking.” Hudson chuckled, a low seductive quality that sent shivers straight through Kyree’s spine to her clit.
Had she had sex before? Yes. She’d had partners over her many seasons as a mer. But none of those were relevant, and Kyree wasn’t honestly sure if Hudson was asking about her sex life in general or her sex life with Honour—which was nonexistent. Choosing to keep silent instead of answering, Kyree fiddled with the moss on Honour’s side, checking on it. She wanted to ask if the tonic for the infection was ready yet, if they could give it to Honour, if there was any hope of them leaving without bloodshed.
Hudson’s fingers slid down to Kyree’s hand, folding their fingers together and moving them from Honour’s body. “Stop fussing, and let her rest.”
Kyree hummed against her will. She didn’t want to feel good about the way Hudson was touching her, or that there was a gentle care under the over-sexualized touches and words. Because why else would she pull Kyree away? They weren’t doing anything.
“Eat something,” Hudson said as she slid a thick slab of meat in front of Kyree’s face.