Page 61 of Battle Fluke
“She found me.”
“And you sent her into danger?”
“She wanted me to come back and talk to you. Somehow, she thinks I might have better luck getting through your thick head.”
Honour snorted, “About what exactly?”
“About thinking before rushing into danger.”
Honour slowed for a moment in her movements, just long enough for her to turn her entire attention to Hudson. Hudson slowed to meet Honour’s pace, relishing the sensation of the other mer’s scrutiny as her eyes swept over Hudson’s features.
Despite the fear that played a beat inside her entire body, Hudson smiled and gave a small nod.
“I may have pointed out how she had done the exact same thing rushing off in order to find me.” Hudson increased their pace once more, and Honour matched it without complaint.
“Of course you did.” Another snort of amusement accompanied Honour’s words. “And in a huff, she left and has headed directly into trouble. There’s a kraken that’s been sighted along this route.”
“Yes. I got the same report from my men.”
“I was hoping to find her on the eastern side, the way I approached, but that would be too easy.”
For the first time, they turned toward each other, and Hudson met Honour’s eyes. Her own concern mirrored back to her in Honour’s gaze.
“Are we sure it’s only one kraken?” Hudson asked.
“That’s what was reported, and I’m hoping to water’s end that it’s correct.” Honour’s words lost all jest now as her jaw jumped as though she clenched her teeth.
“We’ll find her.” Hudson’s words were quiet but the brush of Honour’s shoulder against her own told her the mer had heard everything she had said. And the words she hadn’t.
But in what state will we find her?
In silence, they continued to follow the ripples and vibrations in the water. It buffeted against them, but it wasn’t enough to slow their progress. Hudson doubted much would be able to do that.
When they rounded a crevice in the ocean floor, the scene that reared up in front of them held the hallmarks of all of Hudson’s worst fears.
The mechanical beast loomed up, shadowing Kyree’s small frame.
“No!” Honour’s roar filled Hudson’s ears.
“You flank left, I’ll take the right,” Hudson shouted out the orders.
“Don’t let it touch her!” Honour screamed as she swam.
Their mutual affection for this strange peace-loving mer brought the two of them to the same side more than anything else had yet.
Kyree’s fluke undulated as she shifted backward, moving slowly away from the kraken.
Too slowly.
Hudson resisted the urge to call out to Kyree to let her know they were there. That she didn’t need to be scared. That they would save her.
She hoped Honour had the same battle intelligence she seemed all but draped in.
If they called out, who knew what the kraken would do. Humans were so un-damn-predictable. The thud of Hudson’s heartbeat boomed in her ears. She had to get closer. They both did. Flicking her eyes away from Kyree’s shadow-covered body, she looked over to see Honour looking back at her.
Warrior to warrior, their silent conversation might as well have been screamed in Hudson’s ear. The merest movements of Honour’s head, her eyes traveling and flicking to finish the plan. Hudson breathed into the knowledge she understood far better than the politics of any civilization.