Page 7 of Battle Fluke
“No. One was already damaged when Cryloc took them.” Was Mika trembling in fear?
“Very well.” Hudson already tired of Mika’s sniveling fear. A reminder of why he’d been placed in the position of swimmer, the one who went between her and her troops. If someone wanted to kill him, it wouldn’t be the devastation it might have been if Cryloc were taken from her ranks.
“Leave. Bring Cryloc and the captives directly to me when they arrive.”
“You don’t want to give Cryloc a rest first?”
Faster than Mika could react, Hudson twisted her body. Her right forearm came up and slammed against Mika’s throat as she pushed him against the wall of the cave.
“Did I say I wanted him to rest first?” Hudson hissed in Mika’s wide eyes.
“No.” He shook his head quickly.
“Go.” She snarled, turning away from him and returning to her rock as casually as she had swum to it earlier. As though her outburst hadn’t existed at all. Let the sniveling brat call her insane.
Hudson had wanted to be rid of him a long time ago. But at Cryloc’s encouragement, she had kept him on. Some days, Mika being Cryloc’s son was the only thing that kept him alive. She rolled her shoulders and refocused on that sensation in her body. The light would be in the water soon, and she would be interested to see why Talon would send mermaids out to spy on her.
By the time the first rays of light filtered to their camp, Hudson could no longer sit still. She was up out of the cave and watched as Cryloc led her men through to the small camp. Aftera quick scan to check her men seemed unchanged, arms still intact and flukes undamaged, she focused on her two captives.
They weren’t Talon. That was easy enough to discern by simply looking at them. But as Hudson looked, she couldn’t take her eyes from them. For a moment, brief but significant for her, she allowed her eyes to graze slowly over the unlikely pair.
The smaller of the mermaids was a warrior. A familiarity in her bearing had Hudson instantly on guard. But the damage to her torso kept it pushed far enough to the back of her mind to study her. Her arms were muscled, her shoulders wide and filled with a history and knowledge of fighting.
Her companion couldn’t have been more different. She was lithe and darker in coloring, her face open and innocent in a way Hudson hadn’t seen on anyone older than a small child. When her eyes met the larger of her captives, she understood her own error. The woman might not be a warrior, but her eyes burned with a fire that instantly intrigued Hudson.
Her own perceived innocence had been the downfall of many who had underestimated her. But it was a falsehood. This creature’s innocence still lingered in those eyes, mixed with the unknown strength within.
“Ah, our guests,” Hudson purred as she swam closer to the group. She had taken her small freedom to indulge her curiosity by lingering over the two, but now she had to play her role. A role she had been born to.
“Guests?” The smaller one snarled, though the fire in her eyes burned brighter than the weaker words she managed to force out. “Your men kidnapped us and dragged us here. If we’reguests, I’d hate to see how you treat intruders.”
“Oh, you would definitely not enjoy seeing that.” Hudson gave a happy little chuckle, a smile stretching her face. She was going to enjoy this one. She was feisty and furious, something Hudson understood well enough.
“Please.” The larger one’s voice was timid and soft, and Hudson pulled her eyes away from the feisty one and tilted her head toward her. “Are you Hudson?”
“Yes.” Hudson pursed her lips and stared over this captive’s head to see Cryloc pale at her stare. She would deal with that later.
“Then I beg of you, let me help my companion. She’s hurt and without my assistance, she won’t be any good to you as a captive or a guest.”
“How was she hurt?” Hudson swam closer to the larger, darker one, sniffing as she brushed her cheek along the bound mermaid’s arm.
There was sickness there. Hudson’s body hummed, her nipples hardening from being this close to another mer of her stature.
“Does it matter?” The words were a rumble Hudson could feel in the touch of her cheek still touching the mermaid’s skin.
“Yes.” Hudson moved quickly to the other mer, grabbing her beneath the chin and lifting it up from where it had dropped forward. She would give the warrior some credit, she held up well considering the pain she must be in.
For a moment, their eyes met and understanding flickered between them. An understanding that unsettled something within Hudson. Before the sensation could make her do something she might regret later, the mermaid finally answered her.
“I was hurt before your mencollectedus to be your guests.” That vehemence was still there, and it thrilled Hudson to no end.
“Ah.” Hudson nodded and smiled. That’s all it was. A warrior’s understanding of another warrior. She could accept that. She could understand it. But they weren’t the same. The people this warrior had come from, and she was certain she was a warrior from Reine, had never condemned her for her desire tofight. Never scoffed at her for wanting more from her life. They weren’t the same.
“Please. I need moss, and other healing herbs. Will you help me?”
“Why should I?” Hudson turned on the large mermaid again, drawing closer as she loomed.
“Stay away from her,” the smaller one ground out.