Page 71 of Battle Fluke
Her voice ran through the row, and she could tell that all those eyes next to her wanted to turn in her direction to see what she was going on and on about. But they remained stoic and in formation like they should. When she’d finished with that young soldier, Honour started in on the next. She made it through fourrows before Zendalia snagged her upper arm and pulled her away.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Honour hissed, lowering her tone so that the troops couldn’t hear. “I’ll have you for insubordination for this.”
“Then do it,” Zendalia snapped back, still pulling Honour with her.
They moved back into the first level of the castle, stopping by a small room in the front, the bubble around them clear so that all of the troops could see them argue if their backs weren’t facing toward them.
“Touch me again, and I’ll cut off your hands.”
“That! That right there.” Zendalia pushed a finger into Honour’s shoulder. “What the fuck is that about?”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that.” Honour flung her hand out, trying to cut off anything else that Zendalia was going to say.
“No. I’m not your second in command right now. I’m your friend. And you, Honour, are being the biggest asshole I have seen, and trust me, I’ve seen my fair share. What crawled up your butt?” Zendalia planted her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side.
There was no getting out of this unless she left. But Honour wasn’t sure she could go back out there, to look into the faces of so many mers that she knew wouldn’t make it home. It didn’t matter if they won or lost the war, Reine was going to be devastated by the toll of the battle. Hell, she wasn’t sure she’d make it home—not that there was much home to come back to. She was alone, like always. And her best friend, Soulara, was stashed away in a sky ship, being held prisoner.
And no one was negotiating her return.
Which meant only one thing.
They were going to kill her.
“Honour, we’re not leaving this room until you talk to me.”
“That’s General Honour to you.” Honour tried to push her way beyond Zendalia, but Zendalia was quick. She flipped her tail under Honour’s and flattened her out against the floor, covering her and pinning her hard.
“Hmm.” Zendalia’s lips thinned. “I should never have been able to take you that easily.”
“Fuck off,” Honour spat, trying to claw her way out from under Zendalia.
“Not until you talk to me about what’s going on.”
Honour sighed heavily. “No.”
“You know, Honour, there’s more to war than death.” Zendalia adjusted her hold, and Honour saw her opportunity.
She pushed her tail into the floor, her hips upward, and she laid Zendalia flat out on her back, locking her arms down by pressing her forearms against Zendalia’s. “Don’t push your luck. I have no issue making a mark in your record.”
“No one would doubt that after your display out there.” Zendalia breathed heavily, writhing underneath Honour. “But you can’t be distracted or pissed off about something else when we go into this battle.”
“I’m not distracted,” Honour seethed out.
“Where’s Kyree?” Zendalia raised an eyebrow.
Honour faltered. Her grip loosened, and Zendalia took charge. She flipped them again, landing sideways on Honour and controlling her movement from the side, her chest pressed against Honour’s ribs, and holding one of Honour’s arms across her chest to prevent her from moving it.
“Get off me, Zendalia.”
“Tell me what’s going on.”
“Nothing’s going on!” Honour screamed. “Kyree’s gone. She left. And she’s not going to help us win this war.”
“Your lies to yourself are bigger than your lies to me.” Zendalia pushed her forearm into Honour’s throat. “You know how I know?”
“How?” Honour ground out.
“Because you let me get the upper hand. And I’ve never managed to do that to you before.” Zendalia pushed in even more, as if daring Honour to tap out of this conversation, out of the war entirely. If only she could.