Page 85 of Battle Fluke
“What’s the big deal?” Hudson barely pulled back the frustration in her tone. She didn’t like not understanding what it meant. “Kyree’s saved our entire way of life. Without her, we’d all still be fighting. Or we’d be dead. There’s no way we would have won without the souls.”
“She went against the tribe orders,” Honour said, sadness seeping into her words.
“More than their orders,” Kyree whispered. “I went against our way of living, the deepest held beliefs that we have.” The rims around her eyes held a redness that cracked Hudson’s chest. “It’s why Milan remains up here as well.”
“Because she did something against the tribe?” Hudson asked.
Both Kyree and Honour nodded.
“O…kay.” Hudson nodded slowly and then turned to meet their eyes one after the other. “So what?” She still wasn’t understanding why this was so devastating. Yes, it hurt, she could see that. But why would it matter at all?
“So what?” Kyree asked, her face crumpled into a confusing mass of anger, and pain, and fear.
Why was she so scared?
“I don’t want to go back,” Kyree said.
“Exactly,” Hudson said.
“But…” Kyree took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling several times.
Hudson remained silent, giving Kyree the time she needed. Honour seemed to do exactly the same thing.
“I’ve found my home here. I’ve found a connection I never, ever thought was possible. I never imagined I could find love atall. Let alone from such opposite tribes and from both of you. I’ve found everything, and now, why would you want me? I’m a disgraced mer. I’ve been banished from my tribe, and I can’t offer either of you anything near what you both deserve, but I can’t go back there. Even if they would take me, I can’t lose the both of you. Not now.”
The silence that rested over them throbbed in Hudson’s ears while a twisting fire of emotions writhed its way up through her body. There wasn’t enough oxygen in the water, and the opulent walls grew too close.
“I don’t want you to leave,” Hudson said in a voice that burned out of her throat while simultaneously seeming to come from everywhere but herself.
Her entire life she had disconnected when pain and risk lay at her feet. Not risk in her body or her life. But true risk. The risk of her heart and soul being hurt and broken. With a deep breath, she pushed away the distance and forced herself back into her own body, from head to tail fin.
“I never want to leave your side, Kyree.” Hudson was at Kyree’s other side. She looked up into Honour’s eyes and then back down to Kyree’s face. “I don’t care what the tribes do. I never really have. Or at least, that’s what I’ve told myself. If I hadn’t cared, I never would have fought so hard to overthrow them. But I know now what it feels like to really not care.”
Kyree’s head tilted and Hudson fought the desire to growl at her own inept use of words. With a huff, she pushed her shoulders down and tried again.
“I don’t care what they think of you. I don’t care if they raise you on their shoulders as a hero or banish you forever, with your name stricken from all histories. What I do care about is you. I care about how much you’re hurting. I care about every thought you have in your head. And I care about being by your side for the rest of my days.”
“You do?” Kyree’s hope filled her face, and Hudson felt the buildup of tears behind her eyes.
Crying? She couldn’t be crying.
But then again. She couldn’t also be in love with the two most unlikely mers in the entire sea. And yet, here she was.
“I do.” Hudson nodded and smiled at Kyree.
Stealing herself against even more pain, against the fear of rejection, Hudson lifted her head and met Honour’s eyes.
“I want you by my side as well, Honour. I care about your every thought and action, just as I care about Kyree. Without all of us, I can’t see my life being complete or as wonderful. Together we are home, and that means all of us.”
“Yes,” Kyree agreed, her head turned toward Honour as well.
Honour got up and swam back and forth in front of them.
Hudson’s heart was a stone in her chest as she waited to hear what the last piece of her heart would do.
Kyree finally fell asleep in Honour’s arms. As much as Honour itched to get out and speak with Soulara, she couldn’t bring herself to leave Hudson or Kyree just yet. And she would face the consequences later. But consequences be damned.