Page 32 of My One & Goalie
So much for taking things slow. Xander and I spend the entire weekend together and it’s absolute bliss. We order food, watch cheesy made-for-TV movies, and snuggle on the sofa. He worships my body like it’s his sole mission in life, making me come over and over again.
I’ve never been happier.
“I wish you didn’t have to go.” He strokes my cheek with the rough pad of his thumb, sparks radiating over my skin.
“I know. Usually I can’t wait for my weekends without Jett to end.” Guilt gnaws at my gut. “Not that I don’t want to see my kid. That came out wrong.”
“I know what you’re trying to say. Mixed emotions. Trust me, I get it.” Xander kisses me on the lips and I sigh against him, rubbing my bare foot against his thick, muscular calf.
“Yeah. We need to keep things chill between us right now. I can’t drop you on Jett all of a sudden—I don’t want him to get hurt anymore than he already has. We have to take things slow there.”
“I understand.” He laces his fingers with mine. “I wish my parents had been as caring and cautious as you. You’re a great mom, Rachel.”
The tight grip of guilt loosens a touch. “Thanks. I’m trying.”
“And succeeding.” He presses his lips to mine and my toes literally curl. No man’s kissed me like Xander and I vaguely worry I’m already addicted to him and his touch.
“When can I see you again? You’ll bring Jett to practice?”
I nod. “Yes. But I won’t have another free night until next Saturday.”
Xander blows out a breath and the anxiety kicks up, clawing at my stomach.
“I know that’s a long time to wait. And I understand if you want to change your mind.”
“Babe—” His thumb smooths across mine. “Stop trying to talk me out of being with you. I’ll wait, not a big deal. I’ll train and coach and before we know it, we’ll have another amazing day together.”
I sigh, resting my head against his chest. “Thanks for understanding.”
“Of course.” He kisses the top of my head and the gesture’s so tender, so caring, hot tears spring to my eyes. Swiping them away, I try to soak up every bit of his strength and gentleness I can.
“I have to go. Charles freaks out when I’m late.”
“Let the asshole sweat it out. Least he can do. And if he so much as touches you again, let me know.”
Xander tips my chin up to meet his gaze. “Rach, I’m serious.”
“I know you are. But the last thing you need is another battle. Charles is my problem.”
“No. He’s our problem. And I don’t like people touching what’s mine.”
I arch a brow. “Yours?”
“Yes, mine. If we’re together—and I’m pretty sure we are, after this weekend—you’re mine and I’m yours. Nothing and no one’s going to hurt you on my watch.”
“Xander—” My voice wavers as I stare up at him, his jaw tense.
“I’m a defender—that’s why I’m the goalie, Rach. It’s my job.”
I bite my lip, fully absorbing what he’s saying. “Fine. But I’m sure everything will be okay. And if not, I’ll let you know.”
He drops his mouth to mine and warm happiness flows through me. I’m safe with Xander, protected and secure.
My cell buzzes, vibrating against the coffee table. Without even checking, I know it’s a text from Charles alerting me that he’s on his way to drop off Jett.